5: All She Needs is Understanding

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Steven put his keys on the couch as he sat down and started putting Natalie's phone number into his contacts. He thought that aybe talkin to Natalie, a nice and talkative girl, would take his mind off of Spinel. A part of him felt guilty about what he was thinking about Spinel. He barely even knew her and he was already dreaming about her. Though he noticed a huge difference between the two girls:

Spinel was crazy as shit, Natalie was an innocent bean.

He was more scared of Spinel than anything...though it was her that he found hot, Not that Natalie wasn't cute or anything, but he just couldn't imagine her in a short nurse's outfit or anything kinky. She seemed more of the type to take him on dates or bring him gifts and makin him help out needy kids.

"Geez, what's up with me thinkin bout them?" He asked himself as he sent Natalie a text. "I ought as well have a threesome with em."


Natalie: Hehe! Hi Steven!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

Heh, that was quick..

Steven: Hi Nat 😊

Natalie: How was the rest of your day!!!!!

Steven: Pretty good. I had a talk with the others about some stuff

Natalie: TELL MEEEEEEE 💘💘💘

Steven: Wow, eager are we?

Natalie: Yes!! I wanna know about your day!! That's what bestest best friends do, right

"Hm...I wish there were more people like Natalie in the world..." Steven said as he carefully picked out what he was about to tell her. Definitely not about the dream part. Especially not the dream part.

Steven: Well I've been havin trouble sleepin and Volley gave me some advice. But then most of it was just us trya interpret your number


Natalie: Whaddya mean, I wrote my number clearly on your hand, silly!

Steven: Well....when you left Spinel turned into a bitch and licked my hand which obviously smeared your number. So we spent over an hour tryna read it bacc

NAtalie: hmm...sorry she did that to you.

Steven: Its nothing...strangely she ended up giving me her number as well

Nothing was said at first. He waited patiently for her to respond, seconds passing by slowly. After around a full minute typing.... popped up on the screen. What she said sorta brought a good explanation to why he had Spins' number.

Natalie: Haha! Well....she didn't EXACTLY give you her number...hehe.... 😂😂

Steven: wot

Natalie: Well she didnt give you her number. I sorta took the slip for her pocket and wrote her number on it so you two can be friends and...Welp! Hopefully you two had a good conversation!!!

Steven: So you wrote her number on this slip I have....?

Natalie: ehehe....yea... 😇 But try talking to her. She's obviously not gonna like it if I just said I gave you her #. But talk to her and maybe she'll ease up on being a big meanie to you. But try not to provoke her...last time I did that I ended up tied up in her basement and I had to beg her to let e live

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