1: Celebrity Invites

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Today's pretty much an ordinary day for Steven DeMayo Universe. Songwriting, concerts, fanletters, fangirls...just about everyday. Not that he had a problem with it. He got it all from his dad, Greg . The charm, the quotes...except he was younger and had A LOT more fangirls of all ages. There were some that'll follow him home and try to break in. Bet we can all guess how much security was needed. How could ANYONE resist? Especially with  voice like this....
"The way you stared in my eyes
Reminded me of your dad
And how he left you for milk
And you met your demise

Stop waiting for him
Stop believeing your mother's lies
He's gone to get milk
And ain't ever coming back~"

(Lol ya'll like my life story?)

Technically anyone could fall at this 16 year old's feet. Some tried to kiss his feet. Some tried to lick his feet. One somehow bit his foot and it took a week to heal. Perks of wearing sandals all the time, right? Anyways, we join our favorite musician finishing his song 'Dad Left to Get Milk'

"So stop all that waiting
there ain't no debating
Your dad went to go get milk
And the milk ain't hatin

If you wanna know
which way you saw your dad go
Look for the lady next door
Her hourglass figure ain't a bore
Your dad is there to get her milk
It's so smooth it's silk"

"Sir?" Peridot Addair called to fellow singer and songwriter Steven DeMayo Universe. She was his assistant, in charge of giving him updates on the press, record deals, just stuff like that in general.

"I told you, I'm your friend, not your boss," Steven told her with a friendly smile. "You don't have to call me sir or anything."

"R-right, my bad," Peridot stuttered as she fixed her glasses and give him an envelope, sealed with a black heart. "Anyways, I cam here to tell you that you recieved a letter from Dreamedia about their new movie 'Shadow Jester' , and they want Universe Music to rite their songs. They said they'll give details on the movie's story later, but the manager, Simon Russell, said you're the best of the best. This is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity!"

It was true. Originally ran by Greg DeMayo Universe and his wife Pink "Rose Quartz" Universe, Universe Music is a successful music company located in Delmarva.Since it's opening when Greg was in his late 20's, it has been recognized worldwide and is mostly known for Steven's first song "Cookie Cats", which was about his favorite ice cream. But that's when he was a kid. Since "Cookie Cats" he's matured since then. Writing songs for movies and companies, concerts, and making girls fall to his feet with his motto "No girl can resist the Universe Charm."

Wether or not the couple are divorced is unknown. Pink, more commonly known as Rose Quartz, is rarely seen with her husband and son anymore. But that's  mainly because, being in the fame category longer, she had more business to attend to abroad. Greg explains they're still married, but that is still a theoryy upon fans.

16 year old Steven opened the envelope, which gave more details than Peridot had given him. "Hm...Mr. Steven Universe we'd like for you and your company to help with our movie...and you'd be introduced to many other celebrities such as Lapis Ayotunde Lazuli, Bizzy....and...Spinel Stiles? Who the hell is that...?" He asked while reading the letter. Peridot pulled up a picture of the fellow actress/singer.

"Her. Remember that movie, Other Friends? And the song that came with it? She's starred in a lot of movies, I'm surprised you don't know who she is." The assistant explained.  "When you were younger, I think the movie you liked was "Show and Tell", or whichever one had her as an entertainer for this kingdom. (*cough cough* parody of Homeworld)."

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