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With every touch and every kiss, the girls felt as if they were mending one another.

Every sweet nothing, every breath, every second felt closer to something amazing.

Something, that felt like healing.

Though Catra wouldn't admit it at this moment she is so thankful that a dumb blonde decided to not give up on her. That she decided to save her life instead of letting her go.

And Adora? Well, she feels so free. She feels like herself. A soul as beautiful as hers was never meant to be cooped up.

And with Catra? She feels so...right. She feels so whole and loved.

And she never wants to leave again.

Catra is her home. And she realizes that now.

Catra reluctantly pulls away from Adora's soft lips. Adora frowns and brushes a strand of hickory brown hair out of Catra's face.

"We should probably head back in, Love." Adora's face instantly brightened at the pet name.

"Love, eh?" Catra's cheeks turn rosy. She gives Adora's lips another peck.

"Yeah, thought I'd try it out." Adora smiles. Catra unwraps her legs from Adora's hips.

"It has a nice ring to it." Catra nods and looks at Adora; feeling so much love in her heart...she's afraid it might burst.

"Well, then I guess we should head back, my Dear," Adora says; intertwining her fingers with Catra's.

A warm smile spreads across the shorter girl's face.
"Hey, Catra?"

"Yeah, Adora?" Adora gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you." A big goofy grin was plastered onto Catra's face.

She used her other hand to pull Adora's waist to her own.

She pulled her into another long kiss; not caring who saw. Not caring what anybody thinks. Because right now Adora is the only one that matters.

"I love you too, and I'm sorry that it took me so long to realize that."

The couple walked back into the malodorous school building; hand in hand.

Feeling as if they could take on the world.

Sure, hard days lie ahead.

Their love? Well...it's complicated.

All of the years of hurt, all of the harrowing memories they will get through them together.

Together like they always have been and like they always will be.

A/N: I can't believe that I'm actually finished with this book. It is such a bittersweet thing. Thank you so, so, so much for all of your love and support on "It's Complicated." You guys mean so much to me!

Thank you for your encouragement and kind words. They really helped motivate me.

You guys are so awesome! Thank you for coming along on this journey with me.

You are loved. You matter. And you are important.

-Ally Rutson

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