Chapter 29: Adora

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It took 4 hours. 4 WHOLE HOURS. To pick a dress. Who knew that there could be so many options?

Glimmer shrieked when she found the perfect one. A Satin Burgundy dress that had a V-neck a little too low for my liking.

We bought the dress without even trying it on.

When we got back to DT's they wasted no time getting my hair and make-up done.

By the time that it was all over, I could barely recognize myself.

I glanced in the mirror.

I look down at the dip of my dress and feel heat flush my cheeks.

"Uh, Glimmer..." She caps her lipstick and cocks an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Adora?" I point to my exposed cleavage. She laughs and shakes her head.

"She's gonna love it, Adora. You look gorgeous." My blush deepens at the thought of Catra.

"Thanks, Glimmer." She nods and gives me a tight hug before rushing towards Bow.

I take a deep breath.

"You can do this, Adora."

I shoot finger guns and then giggle.

Bow's Limo pulls up. A window opens and her breath-taking eyes lock with mine.

I swear my heart stops as I stare at her.

Her pixie cut is slicked back with a single strand hanging down. She's wearing a maroon suit which frames her handsomely; showing off her curves.

Oh no, oh no. Gay panic.

I take a deep breath and try to keep my calm and cool façade.

It works until we get to school...I think.

You can hear the music from outside. The building is practically shaking with cacophony and energetic teens.

I bite my lip and step out of the car.

Catra offers me her hand and I gladly take it, stealing another glance at her.

Damn, who gave her the right to be so attractive?

She catches me staring (again) and smirks.

We walk into the loud gymnasium hand-in-hand.

"Hey, Adora." She whispers; her hot breath against my ear. I gulp and whirl around.

"Heeey, Catra." A faint blush spreads across the bridge of her nose.

I take her hand and pull her onto the dance floor. I bow and hold my hand out.

"May I have this dance?"

She giggles.
"Pfft, your such an idiot." She takes my hand and we circle around each other; a painfully slow song playing in the background.

I rest my hand on her hip and vice versa. I smile at her and she returns it. We switch partners. I twirl Glimmer around.

"So, how did your date go with, Bow?" I'm answered with a blush and a huge goofy grin.

We switch partners once again; Catra bumping into me.

"Heeeeey Adora." She whispers her lips right next to my ear.

How many times can I gay panic in one night?

She gives me a mischievous grin and without warning dips me.

Our faces are inches apart; her nose almost touching mine. My leg rests in-between her thighs. I feel my face heat up.

Her heterochromatic eyes lock with mine but there's something different. It's a look she's never given me before. A look of longing. She covers it back up with an enticing smirk.

My chest aches horribly being so far apart from her. I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her closer.

Because I don't just want her...I need her. And I realize that now.

I'm a fool in love.

"Adora, I- "

The song changes cutting her off. She brings me back up and I feel tears sting my eyes.

"Can we talk...outside?"

Her eyebrows knit together. She nods and follows me out of the gym. I open the door for her and lead her to the back of the school; away from all of the noisy teenagers.

She leans against the brick wall; crossing her arms over her chest.

I fiddle with my skirt.

"So, I took your advice." She cocks an eyebrow.

"Oh?" I nod and smile a little.

"And how did they take it?" I rub my arms; trying to keep warm.

"My dad took it well. Miss.Weaver was...indifferent." She nods and examines her raven-colored nails.

"I'm glad that you told them. It's about time you were let out of that damn closet." I laugh and nod.

I walk forwards and loop my arm around Catra's waist; stealing some body warmth.

A blush creeps up her neck and she looks away.

I lightly grab her chin; forcing her to look me in the eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" I notice how close we are again; her gaze trailing down to my lips. She shakes her head and looks away again.

"No, Adora. I'm not." She moves away; causing my arm to fall.

"Catra- "Tears spring to her beautiful eyes.

"I can't be your friend anymore, Adora! I-It's killing me!" I gasp and take a step back.

I wish she would have stabbed me, it would have hurt 100x less than those words.

"Why, Catra?" She looks down.

"Because Adora! I love you.... I always have!" My heart skips a beat.

Without another thought, I swoop forward and our lips crash together.

The kiss is gentle at first. Almost, like we're both afraid to break each other. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her hips to mine. She wraps her arms around my neck and I hoist her up; her legs wrapping around my waist.

She places her hand on the back of my neck; feeling my racing heartbeat and pulling me closer. The kiss goes from gentle to intense, and hungry.

She bites my lip as we pull away.

I rest my forehead on hers; trying to catch my breath and regain my senses.

Her eyes meet mine.

"You love me?" She chuckles and cups my face; making my heart feel so full and giddy.

"Your such an idiot."

I waste no time pulling her into another kiss.

I kiss her over and over again until I can't think. I can't do anything but drown in her scent, feel, and taste.

I feel drunk on it. As if it's all I know.

And it feels so right.

I pull away.

"I love you too."

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