Chapter 27: Adora

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Today is the day...the day that my secret will be out in the open. And by the open, I mean to Miss. Weaver and to my father.

I told them to meet me at Miss. Weaver's house.

I haven't seen her since the day that I left.

I reach a trembling hand to the door. After about two minutes of giving myself an encouraging speech...I finally knock.

Miss. Weaver opens the door. I stand there; completely paralyzed.

Without a word, she ushers me in.

My dad sits at the table; looking as uncomfortable as ever.

Miss.Weaver used to be his best friend; they were practically interpretable. But once he started gambling, she started drinking and it was warfare between the two.

My hospitability immediately kicks in.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink?" I open the fridge to find no alcohol.

Not a single bottle of booze. I feel a wide smile spread across my face.

Well, if nothing goes right today, this is a win.

"You wanted to talk to us, Adora?" Miss. Weaver's voice causes my blood to run cold. I gulp.

"Y-yes...I did." I take a seat at the table; across from them.

I take a deep breath.

I can do this.

"There is something that I have been wanting to tell you both for a very long time now. Something, that is very important...and to be honest, I'm terrified to tell you...but I can't hide anymore. I have to be myself..."

Here goes.

"Dad...Miss.Weaver....I'm gay."

Those two words escape my mouth. The words that have been on my mind constantly since my first kiss with Catra. The words that have weighed me down, tied me up and made me feel so...horrible. They are out in the open.

The weight on my shoulders feels lifted. The tightness in my chest loosens.

I'm no longer cramped in a mental closet...I'm free.

At this point, I don't care if they except me or not because today is the day that I accepted myself.

Miss. Weaver lets out a long sigh and shakes her head. My father gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Well, we're glad that you told us, Adora." He says.

I nod; tears stinging my eyes.

His smile turns to a smirk.

Oh brother.

"So, you and Catra?" Miss.Weaver looks me dead in the eyes. I gulp and look back at my dad.

"Well...I dunno." He cocks an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? Don't you like her?" I try my best to ignore Miss. Weaver's death glare.

"I mean of course I do! But...I can't tell if the feeling is mutual." Miss.Weaver crosses her arms over her chest. She opens her mouth to say something but then closes it again.

"Well, if she doesn't like you then she is missing out." I smile.

"Thank you."

I lock eyes with Miss. Weaver.
"Thank you, Miss Weaver...for letting me come here and talk to you." She nods and stands up; ushering both my father and I out.

"Well, that could've gone better." He mumbles. I laugh a little; still so relieved and shocked that I finally got my secret off of my chest.

"Could've gone worse."

We climb into his Toyota Prius. I wrinkle my nose at the pungent scent of weed.

He starts the car.

After a few minutes of silence, he speaks up.

"Adora...there's something that I need to talk to you about as well." I cock an eyebrow.
"Oh?" He nods and takes a deep breath.

"Look, I know that I've said it a million times but this time I mean it with all of my heart. I'm so sorry for how I treated you. You didn't deserve to be...hurt like that. You were just a little girl!

When your mother died, I just felt empty and alone. And you reminded me so much of her. Your bright eyes, dumb little hairpoof, and your way with words even though you could both be a doofus."

I laugh a little; tears roll down my cheeks.

"I shouldn't have left you, especially not with somebody who I knew had an alcohol problem. And I...I shouldn't have hit you...ever. I'll never forgive myself. And I understand if you can't either."

I take a deep shaky breath; trying to choke back a sob.

"D-dad...Thank you for apologizing. But you really hurt me...and I love you but I don't think that I am ready to forgive you yet. I don't know if I can trust you. Because, when I trusted you before so many horrible things happened. But that doesn't mean that I won't try. I want a relationship with you but it will take time."

He nods and wipes a few tears of his own.

"I understand." He pulls into Dairy Queen and smiles at me.

"This is your celebration." I tilt my head.
"What do you mean?" His eyes fill with tears.

"I'm so proud of you for coming out today...I know how hard it must have been, so I wanted to get you Ice Cream...I know it's not much but-"I cut him off with a hug.

My reaction even takes me by surprise.

He lightly hugs me back.

"Thank you, Dad."

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