Chapter 24: Catra

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TRIGGER WARNING: If PTSD with car accidents or drowning triggers you, please do not read.

It's been about a week since "almost kissing" Adora. The thought brings an intense heat to my face. I can't believe that we were so...close. My hips pressed to hers, our lips only inches apart. I feel my face get warmer.

"Thinking about Adora are we?" I punch Sparkles in the arm. She winces.

"Guess that was a yes." I groan and shake my head.
"Your impossible, Twinkle Toes." Glimmer scoffs. I smile; knowing that my new nickname annoyed her. It really does feel like a win.

"Ugh, Twinkle Toes. Where did you come up with that one?" I smirk.

"You'll never know." She flicks my forehead. I kick her arm.

"You have a death wish." I stick my tongue out at her.

"Girls! That's enough!" Angelle rubs her temples.

"Yes, Mom." Glimmer mumbles. When her mom looks back at the road, Sparkles flips me the bird.

We finally pull up to the place that I dread the most. Therapy.

Angelle and Glimmer get out of the car. I stay behind. My heart is racing, breathing suddenly feels a lot harder. I shake my head.

No...not now.

Tears sting my eyes. I squeeze them shut.

Deep breaths, Catra. Deep breaths.

I feel my heart beat slow. I open the car door and walk into the waiting room; ignoring the concerned glances from Glimmer and Angelle.

"Catra?" A sweet and eccentric woman with long, wavy flaxen hair.

"Are you ready, Sweetie?" I take another deep breath and offer her a small smile.

"Yeah." She guides me into a small room filled with plants and painting of plants.

She sits down in a bean bag char across from me.

"So, how have things been since the last time that we met?"

I somehow got on top of Adora; straddling her hips. We are both wheezing at this point. She's grows quiet. I look down at her, now noticing our position. I lean down.

I'm there is a noticeable blush on my face. "'s been okay, I guess." She nods and cocks an eyebrow.

"You seem awfully flustered." Her comment makes me even more red.

"Heh, just thinking about some dumb blond." Perfuma gives me a warm smile.

"Would this "dumb blond" happen to be Adora?" I sigh.

"Yes." She scribbles something down.

"Would you like to talk about it?" I shake my head. She gives me one of her signature sympathetic smiles.

"Okay, so we are going to talk about a...complicated subject today. And it's okay to not know all of the answers. But...talking about this will help you heal."

I take a deep breath.

"Lemme guess. It's about my parents, right?" Purfuma nods.

"You can talk freely, or I can ask you questions if you'd like." I glance at the clock. Half an hour left. Great. Guess there is no getting out of this one.

"It's my fault." Purfuma tilts her head.
"What's your fault, Catra?" I frown.

"They...died.... because of me." Perfuma gives me her signature smile.

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