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The next day...

Taehyung parked his car outside of the university, and you both got out of the car together before he turned towards you, flashing you a warm smile as he glanced down at his watch and then back at you

Taehyung: We have a few extra minutes so I'll go buy us coffee, you want the usual right?

A bright smile spread on your lips as you nodded before letting out a soft response, feeling your heart flutter happily as you still couldn't believe you were officially together now

Jungkook: Thank you, I'll head inside first and grab us a seat!

He chuckled softly and gently patted your head before hurrying off to go place those coffee orders, so you waved goodbye before beginning to walk through campus, heading inside the University building as you hummed happily to yourself.

However, as you walked inside you could see how everyone visibly stopped in their tracks and started whispering amongst themselves, all whilst clearly eyeing you, making you frown in confusion

''That's him right?''

''Do you think the rumors are true? I heard he came here together with Taehyung''

''Hah unbelievable, that kid has no shame does he.''

Upon finally reaching the bulleting boards that most students currently were crowded around, you stopped in your tracks and eyed the big posters showing the pictures your friends had tried to warn you about... yesterday.

And you huffed before stepping closer to those said posters, slowly taking out your wand pointing it at them, and without hesitation muttering out a stern ''Incendio'' setting them on fire, destroying them within seconds.

Everyone quieted down at your action and watched as the ash slowly fell to the ground, you then turned around to face the crowd as you put away your wand before speaking in a serious tone

Jungkook: Who the hell did this...

They all kept quiet and you rolled your eyes as you let out a dry chuckle, feeling your blood boil as you've had enough of these fuckers involving your precious--- Taehyungs precious Nari.

Jungkook: Hah, yeah now you're all quiet huh? I said.. who the hell did this?!

Your tone was much harsher now as you glared at them all, and finally one of Woojin's friends stepped up as he approached you with a sick smirk painting his lips

Hyunwoo: Who cares who it was, your reaction just proves the rumors were true doesn't it... You seriously have no shame, trying to seduce a pureblood?

Jungkook: Unless you or that bastard were the ones who did this, then get the fuck out of my face.

He laughed dryly before grabbing ahold of your collar, looking down at you as he raised an eyebrow at you

Hyunwoo: Why, does it bother you that your secrets out hm?

All through your blood felt like it was boiling from frustration, you kept your calm as you glared up at him

Jungkook: No, what bothers me is the fact that someone has followed, threatened us and put a fucking kid in danger not to mention clearly spread some false rumors. So do me a favor and fuck off while I'm asking nicely.

Just as he pulled on your collar harshly ready to say something, his eyes trailed down onto something that caught his attention, and he then let out a dry and amused laugh as he huffed tauntingly

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