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2 days later...

You slowly unbuttoned the two first buttons of your shirt and loosened your tie before rolling up your sleeves, slowly glancing over at the dueling platforms that were elevated about 7 inches off of the ground.

Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok looked at you chuckling and smiling softly as Jimin wrapped his arm around your shoulder smirking, clearly having watched you fix your attire to prepare for the duel

Jimin: Oooo is our Jungkookie trying to look sexy hmm, trying to seduce opponents?

A soft huff left your lips as you raised an eyebrow and rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head in denial whilst shrugging him off as you chuckled softly

Jungkook: Don't be ridiculous hyung, I'm just getting ready to duel. The last thing I want to be is uncomfortable.

Hoseok: Who are you up against first?

You hummed softly as you folded your cloak and grabbed your wand

Jungkook: I think his name was Park Jisung?

They nodded and Yoongi patted your shoulder reassuringly, knowing you must be quite nervous right now

Yoongi: It's your first time trying duels right? You don't have to worry it's not that hard

A soft smile painted your lips as you nodded whilst looking around the room, watching the other students also prepare themselves for the duels. Once the teacher announced that the duels would start soon, you bid your goodbyes to your friends wishing them luck before heading over to the dueling platform you were assigned to.

You walked up onto the platform and took a few steps forward as you respectfully bowed to your opponent who did the same before backing away as you listened to Professor Han go through the rules

Mr.Han: ... and lastly, remember, these are practice duels meant to train you, not kill you. I want to see fair duels, no dirty tricks.

As the professor was done explaining the rules, you faced Jisung and let out a slow slightly shaky breath as you waited for the sound that would signal you all to start the duel, everyone was painfully quiet as the concentration inside that room was high, seemingly only making it harder for you to calm your nerves

You slowly lifted your wands getting into position, and once the sound of the bell was heard you immediately started firing spells at each other all whilst also blocking the spells being thrown towards you, trying to win against one another. The tension and focus was high as sparks and colorful lights lit up the place like small fireworks

Jungkook: Expelliarmus!

Upon seeing Jisung fail to block the spell, your eyes light up in surprise as his wand got flung out of his grasp and into your hand as you swiftly managed to catch it before looking over at him, flashing him a soft smile as you both bowed to each other

Jisung: Well played Jungkook, if I was a little quicker I could've won.

You handed him his wand back before giggled softly as you nodded whilst shrugging

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