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As Taehyung was busy texting Nari to let her know you're up to hang out this weekend, two familiar voices called out his name as they approached the two of you, and a soft smile painted your lips as you saw Namjoon wrap his arm around his shoulder

Namjoon: There you are! We tried to call you yesterday but you weren't picking up-

And as Jin's and his focus landed on you, they both immediately smiled knowingly whilst nodding, a knowing grin painting their lips as Namjoon teasingly greeted you

Namjoon: Ooooh, well hi there. Now I see why he wasn't picking up our calls nor texts...

This instantly made a faint blush slowly paint your cheeks as you scratched the back of your head shyly

Jungkook: Oh- uh we just- had some drinks together and food yesterday, the bars are pretty loud after all.

Taehyung put his phone into his pocket before biting back a chuckle as he looked away, rolling his eyes as Jin knowingly nudged his shoulder whilst humming

Jin: I see, and thats why you're wearing the same clothes from yesterday as well? Drinking all night long?

Another warm chuckle left his lips as he just as playfully returned the shoulder nudge back to him, glancing over at you before speaking up

Taehyung: Stop teasing him, he's blushing now

You rolled your eyes as you hit Taehyungs arm while huffing

Jungkook: I'm not blushing!

Though he clearly wasn't convinced as your words did not match up with what the eye could see, so he playfully nudged your chin upwards whilst turning and looking down at you, cooing softly as he kept teasing you

Taehyung: Oh you're not blushing huh, you just naturally have soft pink cheeks Jeon hm?

Just as you were about to open your mouth to say something, another familiar voice suddenly tuned in whilst giggling softly, as you had completely missed the arrival of your own friends

Hoseok: Why good morning love birds

Jimin: I see someones gotten close here

You rubbed your temples in embarrassment, knowing they all must've figured out what had happened the previous night at this point, meanwhile, Taehyung merely shrugged as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder casually

Taehyung: You're not wrong, we did get really close didn't we?

You fake smiled up at him as you let out a ''Kindly zip your mouth Kim'' making all your hyungs laugh

A soft hum left your lips as you checked the time on your phone before gently pulling on Taehyungs sleeve, noticing the two of you should get going now unless you wanted to get scolded by the professor

Jungkook: Hyung we should go, class starts soon

He looked at the time on your phone and nodded in agreement, meanwhile, some of your friends whistled teasingly

Yoongi: I see Taehyung has upgraded to hyung now

Taehyung winked at them and you rolled your eyes as you ignored their continuous teasing and just started pushing Taehyung forward so you could leave

Jungkook: Okay okay let's go before they call us out even more

A few days later - Weekend

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