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As the days were closing in and approaching the very first and also biggest exam of the year, you couldn't help but feel yourself get more and more nervous as time was passing by far too fast

No one knew what the evaluation exam would be like since they always change, meaning you really had no way to properly prepare for it so far...

You ruffled your hair as you kept reading about the past evaluations, trying your best to find some kind of a pattern in them, and in the midst of flipping through the pages, something suddenly seemed to click as you began writing down the different tests that had been mentioned on a separate note page, finally finding those links you so desperately had been trying to find

A smile now forming on your lips as you wrote them down onto your notebook circling it

...One individual strength test

...One problem solving test, no wands allowed

...And finally a duel between those with the highest scores from the two previous tests.

Upon hearing footsteps approaching your table, you slowly raised your gaze and smiled warmly seeing Hoseok sit down in front of you before leaning over to playfully ruffle your hair gently, earning a soft whine from you which he swiftly managed to hush as he handed you an iced latte

Hoseok: Still studying? I thought you'd be able to relax a bit when you realized how good you are at dueling Gguk

A soft ''Thank you for this hyung'' left your lips as you gently waved the takeaway cup before taking a sip out of it, humming at the delightful taste as you closed the book you had been reading and began to put away your notes

Jungkook: I'm just-... Really nervous about the monthly evaluations hyung...

Hoseok nodded slowly and hummed as he leaned back in his chair

Hoseok: And by studying your ass off for nothing, making yourself exhausted is going to help you in what way exactly?

This made a playful smirk spread on your lips as you crossed your arms proudly

Jungkook: I'm just trying to play it smart and prepare myself as much as I can. Besides, I actually found a link!

He widened his eyes slightly in surprise and tilted his head lightly, taking a sip out of his drink as he hummed

Hoseok: Oh really, what is it?

You playfully raised an eyebrow at him as you giggled whilst speaking in a teasing manner

Jungkook: Oh now you're curious Mr. ''studying your ass off for nothing'' hmm?

A warm chuckle left his lips as he rolled his eyes before playfully pouting

Hoseok: Oh come on Jungkook-ah, hyungie got you coffee, tell me~

You scrunched your nose before nodding in defeat

Jungkook: Okay okay fine, but yes there's a connection hyung. There are always 3 tests as we know, and their concept will always be the same. However, the way it tests the students will always differ. There's one individual test with wands, one problem-solving test with no wands allowed, and finally the duels between the people who scored the highest in the previous tests.

After giving your words some thought, he widened his eyes and nodded realizing how your words actually linked up perfectly

Hoseok: Oh my... You're right Kook, woah you seriously are a genius!

You giggled softly before glancing at the time on your phone and then back up at him

Jungkook: Hyung... Don't you have a potions class that should start about... Now..?

He hummed in confusion before glancing over at the time, immediately getting up in a panicked state as he swiftly grabbed his things


Another giggle escaped your lips as you shook your head slowly whilst watching him run off, before eventually beginning to pack up your own things, getting ready to leave as well.

Once you had left the library you slowly made your way to your locker as you needed to pick up some worksheets and books that you would be needing for the next lecture, however as you grabbed your wand and gently flicked it at the lock to make it open, a frown now spread on your face as you noticed the post-it note that was taped onto the inside.

And when you read the note you instantly felt the blood drain from your face as your breath hitched lightly

You quickly grabbed ahold of it and scrunched it up before looking around anxiously, trying to figure out who possibly could've put it there

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You quickly grabbed ahold of it and scrunched it up before looking around anxiously, trying to figure out who possibly could've put it there.

Someone knows...
But how did they find out?

Jungkook: T-this has to be a joke...

A shaky breath left your lips as you shook your head and bit your bottom lip, swiftly grabbing what you needed before closing your locker, not wanting to have to think any more about that stupid joke.

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