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It was now inevitable that you had to meet his parents, and made you freeze up as a wave of anxiety and worry washed over you at the thought of how they'd react to someone like you being around their son and precious grandchild, you were only snapped out of your thoughts when he gently placed his hand on your shoulder, a confused frown painting his facial expression

Taehyung: What's wrong?

He looked down into your eyes, and you gulped as you rubbed your arm nervously

Jungkook: I'm just... nervous... Your a family of purebloods and I know what people think of mudbloods like m-

This made him instantly reach over to cover your mouth, stopping you from finishing your sentence as he shook his head reassuringly whilst smiling softly

Taehyung: Hey, don't think too much about it okay? We'll just greet them quickly and then I'll take you home, don't worry.

You sighed softly but nodded in agreement before the two of you slowly made your way downstairs, walking into the living room where you saw his parents calmly chatting whilst having some tea together, and once they saw Taehyung they smiled brightly.

However, they looked a tad bit surprised once they noticed you by his side, so you bowed respectfully as you greeted them

MrKim: Oh, we didn't know we had a visitor as well!

Mrs.Kim flashed you a friendly smile as she gestured for the both of you to come sit down, and she naturally grabbed two more teacups and poured up the tea

MrsKim: Take a seat, you drink Oolong tea right?

You nodded and carefully accepted the teacup she handed you with both of your hands, and carefully took a small sip out of it before putting it down onto the table, feeling your hands tingle a bit from the warmth

MrKim: Well aren't you going to introduce yourself?

Taehyung chuckled as he muttered out a ''Dad don't make him nervous now'', and you smiled softly as you looked up at them, trying to hide how nervous you were

Jungkook: My name is Jeon Jungkook sir, I'm also a student at SF University like your son and that's how I know him

Mrs.Kim sipped her tea as she nodded, sounding intrigued as she spoke

MrsKim: Oh really, what's your main power dear?

Her question instantly made you tense up slightly, and you fidgeted softly with your hands as you gulped

Jungkook: Oh, my main power is uhm.. healing

They both widened their eyes in surprise and glanced over at Taehyung whom nodded, confirming what you just had said was true

Taehyung: He placed 3rd during the practical evaluations, and is also one of the top students overall.

A sheepish smile painted your lips as you carefully sipped your tea, slightly flinching as you burned your tongue when Mrs.Kim suddenly spoke

MrsKim: Surely your parents must be proud to have a son like you then!

You lowered you head and put down your teacup before looking up at them, smile now turning to a more forced one as you spoke softly

Jungkook: I wouldn't know, but I hope so ma'am.

MrKim: Say I haven't heard the last name Jeon in a while, especially among us purebloods. Are your parents not from here?

Taehyung looked at them sternly as he placed his hand on your knee trying to reassure you

Taehyung: Dad that's not relevant is it?

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