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After having dried yourself off as much as you possibly could with some paper towels, you made your way to class with somewhat hesitant steps, but thankfully this was the final class for today...

Once you walked into the classroom, a soft sigh left your lips seeing how all seats were taken except the one next to Taehyung, making you curse softly under your breath as you slowly made your way over there and wordlessly sat down.

He raised an eyebrow as he glanced over at you, making no efforts to hide the way he was judgmentally eyeing you up and down as he spoke in a teasing yet unamused manner

Taehyung: Well you look like a drenched puppy. Did you go roll around on the ground as soon as you got the cloak back or what?

You placed your books down on the desk in front of you whilst shooting him a side glare, muttering a bitter response under your breath as you diverted your gaze away from him

Jungkook: Zip it Kim, at least the rainwater washed away your nauseating cologne from it.

He rolled his eyes before diverting his gaze towards the blackboard as the professor walked in, starting the lecture about the history of spells and powers, another tired sigh leaving your lips as you shook your head slowly before trying your best to focus on taking notes


You leaned back in your chair as you listened to the professor explain the homework assignment, however, you couldn't help but to glance over at Jungkook every now and then and huff softly at his odd behavior.

Poor thing, he definitely stumbled and fell on his way here in the rain.

A small smirk found its way onto your lips as you were able to imagine him acting tough only to stumble on his own feet and fall down into a puddle when he walked, though as your eyes happened to catch a glimpse of his hand when he reached out to grab his book, the smirk on your lips quickly faded and turned into a confused frown

At first, you just shrugged it off as a scrape wound, but after taking a second look you swiftly noticed it wasn't just a normal scrape wound... It was writing?

You hummed and crossed your arms as you turned towards him out of curiosity, leaning closer as you whispered to him

Taehyung: ''You must not tell lies'' What's that all about?

He instantly tensed up and flinched away from you whilst covering his hand immediately, not even sparing you a glance as he stood up and grabbed his books before leaving the classroom the second the professor dismissed class.

A sigh left your lips as you shook your head slowly and shrugged at the odd reaction, also collecting your books and notes to get ready to leave, however, you couldn't help but feel a small part of you still worry about whatever was going on with him.

Something seemed really off...


Almost two weeks had passed, and Woojin and his friends did not give up as they continuously tried to find new and various tactics in order to try to get you to admit who you really were, but you've managed to hold up really well so far.

However, the fear and anxiety of them eventually giving up and just telling the whole school definitely kept you up at night...

It's going to happen sooner or later, it was inevitable at this point, but you just hoped that by then you'll have a plan figured out on what to do when the time comes.

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