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Quick note for new readers, I like exploring a writing style that makes the reader become the characters they're reading about— I'm aware it's not everyone's cup of tea and fully respect that, however, I kindly ask that you also respect my decision to keep exploring this writing style both me and some other readers have grown fond of, thank you! 



A tired hum left your lips as you walked down the sidewalk with tired steps heading back home after a long shift at the bar you worked part-time at, and after grabbing the mail from your mailbox you slowly walked up the stairs whilst skimming through the mail you had gotten.

Unlocking the door with your free hand as you headed inside your apartment, but just as you were about to throw the mail onto the kitchen counter so that you could go wash up, a letter with a somewhat familiar logo caught your attention.

Jungkook: Huh... what's this?

You grabbed the letter and put down the rest of the mail as you scanned it in confusion, seeing the logo and your name and address listed as the receiver before opening it and reading through it slowly

You grabbed the letter and put down the rest of the mail as you scanned it in confusion, seeing the logo and your name and address listed as the receiver before opening it and reading through it slowly

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(Yes I actually put in the effort to make this letter)

Jungkook: W-what?! But I don't even have any abilities, heck I didn't even apply here?

A breathy huff left your lips as you stared at the acceptance letter in shock and confusion, rubbing your eyes to see if you were seeing things, only to shake your head as you ran your fingers through your locks in defeat

Jungkook: Whatever there's clearly been some kind of a mixup... I'll just deal with this later...

You put down the letter and shook your head as you headed into the bathroom to go wash up and get ready to head to bed, knowing there's nothing you could possibly do about this at 4am

After not having been able to get into the University you had applied for, you were left with only one option and that was to work until you could try to apply again next year. So suddenly getting an acceptance letter from a famous University designated entirely towards people with actual magical abilities which you never even applied to, simply just felt absurd.

I mean for god's sake you don't even have any abilities how did they find you and why did they accept you?!

It's better to sleep this off, contact them tomorrow morning and clear up this misunderstanding...

1 Month later...

... How the hell did this happen?

You asked yourself as you were stood at the entrance of the University's dorm rooms, luggage and acceptance letter in hand, and a very confused frown painting your face.

As it turns out, there was apparently ''no misunderstanding'' according to the University. Not to mention, they said they can't accept your withdrawal request meaning you had no choice but to attend.

A sigh left your lips as you entered the building and got your dorm passcode before heading up to the 5th floor where your room was located, scanning through the building guide in amazement as you saw there was a gym, a pool and a couple of hangout areas located here and there throughout the dormitory building.

Jungkook: Woah... They must have an insane amount of funding to have all of this... Not to mention, everything is newly built...

Once the elevator doors opened, you got out and began to slowly walk down the hallway scanning the door numbers until you finally found the one you were looking for, and so you typed in the code and unlocked the door before walking inside looking around the room in amazement.

A connected kitchen and living room area, a bathroom, and a bedroom along with a small balcony... Was this a dorm or an apartment?

You put down your luggage and closed the door behind you before taking a deep breath in and out, in the hopes of settling your nerves a bit.

Jungkook: Guess this is where I'll be for the next 3 years huh?

You took out your phone and looked at your schedule whilst you ruffled your hair, feeling a huge sense of worry and almost guilt wash over you. How were you supposed to attend this university normally when you have no powers?

The fear of people finding out you have no power truly scared you, because you knew that the second these fellow students find out the truth, you'd be in big trouble...

But what if they don't find out...?

You shook your head as you slumped down on the couch

Jungkook: God what am I even thinking... How am I supposed to trick them into believing I have abilities..?

Then again that's your best shot right now if you want to get through these 3 years somewhat peacefully

Jungkook: ...What have I gotten myself into..?


Holy shit I am so nervous to see what the response is gonna be for this book but also excited to see how it's gonna unfold as I write it

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Holy shit I am so nervous to see what the response is gonna be for this book but also excited to see how it's gonna unfold as I write it.

I really hope to see you guys throughout this books journey, I love you all!


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