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Whilst the family happily began to eat the breakfast you had prepared for them, you briefly excused yourself before walking over to the couch Nari peacefully was sound asleep on, crouched down by her side as you gently caressed her hair while calling out her name ever so gently

Jungkook: Nari sweetie, wake up...

After a little while, her tired eyelids slowly fluttered open, and once her eyes adjusted to their surrounding a bright smile found its way onto her lip as she sat up and reached over to hold your cheeks

Nari: Gukkie!

This action made a fond smile paint your lips as you could feel her small hands holding your face gently, and a soft hum left your lips as you reached over and fixed some strands of hair for her, watching in admiration as she yawned cutely

Jungkook: Appa, grandpa and grandma are awake now princess, let's go have breakfast with them hm?

She happily nodded and got up from the couch, holding your hand tightly as you both made your way back into the kitchen together, and after making sure she got into her seat safely you prepared her a bowl of rice before sitting down next to her as you placed it down onto the table

Taehyung ruffled her hair softly whilst letting out a gentle ''Mornin' appas little happy vitamin'' earning a joy-filled giggle from her, and you couldn't help but giggle softly as you placed some side dishes into her rice bowl, meanwhile, Taehyung poured up some soup and water for her 

Jungkook: Chew well, okay sweetie?

She nodded and immediately started eating, bouncing in her seat slightly as she visibly seemed to enjoy the food you had made, letting out an excited ''Yummy! Jungkookie makes yummy food!'' 

You gently caressed her head and added some more side dishes into her bowl, letting out a warm ''Thank you hun, eat lots okay?'', only to look up in surprise as Taehyung placed some dishes into your rice bowl as well, all whilst looking at you with a fond grin plastered on his lips 

Taehyung: Eat up Jungkook-ah, you're taking care of everyone but yourself now

A sheepish smile now painted your lips as you nodded slowly whilst whispering out a soft ''Thank you hyung'', and his parents who had been watching you silently up until now suddenly spoke up in a somewhat serious manner

MrKim: They sure be looking like their own little family over there

MrsKim: Jungkook clearly would make a great husband wouldn't he?

You both choked on your food and drinks upon hearing what they just said, and slowly glanced over at each other whilst a deep crimson evidently spread on both of your cheeks, so Taehyung swiftly cleared his throat as he chuckled awkwardly

Taehyung: J-jeez mom, dad? You can't just blurt stuff like that out!

They shrugged whilst laughing softly at the flustered reaction they had earned from you both, and Nari soon joined in whilst looking at the two of you happily

Nari: Then it'd be appa and papa, I like that! Appa marry gukkie so I can call him papa!

Her innocent statement only made your blush grow a deeper shade of red, and Taehyung covered his face in embarrassment whilst trying to suppress his bubbly laughter, meanwhile, his parents just watched the three of you in admiration


Once everyone had finished eating breakfast, Taehyung kindly helped you carry the dirty dishes and cups back to the kitchen before turning towards you, a shy smile painting his lips as he looked down into your eyes

Taehyung: Thanks for the breakfast Jungkook, it honestly was delicious... And I'm sorry about earlier, you must've felt uncomfortable..

He scratched the back of his head as his eyes flashed blue, and you smiled softly finding his shy state rather adorable before shrugging as you leaned against the counter

Jungkook: It's fine don't worry about it.. I-it didn't bother me honestly...

The two of you somewhat just stood in silence for a moment as you gazed into each other's eyes, however, the moment was broken off rather quickly when Taehyungs Mom walked into the kitchen all dressed up as if she was going somewhere

MrsKim: Will you guys be okay over here? We're taking Nari with us to go visit grandma and grandpa, we'll only be away until tomorrow night

Taehyung and you exchanged glances before nodding reassuringly with a soft smile

Taehyung: We'll be okay, just make sure Grandpa doesn't give Nari too many sweets again. She'll get car sick like last time.

She laughed softly and nodded before turning towards you

MrsKim: Thank you again for making us such a great breakfast, I'll definitely be talking about this to Taehyungs grandparents to earn you some extra points!

A shy giggle escaped your lips meanwhile Taehyung softly rolled his eyes, unable to hide the soft chuckle that bubbled up whilst muttering out a questioning ''What extra points mom?'', to which she just hummed before winking at you knowingly

Once they had everything they needed for the trip packed up, you both made sure to see them off, waving them all goodbye before you silently followed Taehyung back inside the house.

The sudden urge to just test the waters, maybe even just tell Taehyung about your actual feelings towards him only bubbled up stronger than ever, as your eyes helplessly admired his frame whilst you trailed behind him, and before you could think any more of it, you already found yourself hesitantly calling out to him

Jungkook: Hey uhm... hyung?

He stopped in his tracks and turned towards you, letting out a soft ''Hm?'' though before you could say anything else, the sound of his phones ring tone could be heard echoing from upstairs

Taehyung: Sorry I'll go take that real quick.

You nodded slowly and watched as he hurried upstairs to go answer the call, a shaky sigh now leaving your lips as you put your hand over your rapidly beating heart, finally snapping out of whatever rush of boldness that momentarily had washed over you earlier

Jungkook: Jeez that was close... Good thing his phone called, I can't tell him now under these circumstances...

It was for the better if you just kept your feelings to yourself, as you didn't want to put any unnecessary pressure on him when he's already done so much for you. So you swiftly decided to make yourself useful and made your way back into the kitchen, doing the dishes that had been left from breakfast earlier as a faint smile now painted your lips whilst you began singing a soft melody

Though when you turned around to go get a towel that you could use to dry everything with, a surprised gasp left your lips as you only now noticed Taehyung whom seemingly had been there standing there for a while, leaning against the doorway whilst watching you with a soft smile

Jungkook: Oh my god Kim- how long have you been standing there?! You scared me!

He shrugged as he chuckled softly, humming whilst he eyed you playfully

Taehyung: I didn't know you could sing Jeon

You flinched and covered your face in embarrassment, a faint blush now spreading on your cheeks as you practically let out a shy whine

Jungkook: Ah so long enough to hear that... jeez next time let me know you're there

Taehyung: Will do, so what did you want to talk to me about earlier?

...Oh no

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