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A few days later...

As you ran down the empty hallway heading to your next potions class, you couldn't help but curse softly under your breath hoping that it hadn't started yet, knowing just how strict the professor was when it came to attendance and being timely.

Once you finally reached the class, you panted and sighed in relief as you saw the professor hadn't arrived yet before walking over to the table Jimin was at, tiredly running your fingers through your hair as you slumped down in the empty chair next to his

Jimin: You're lucky, he just went to go get an extra book and didn't start taking attendance yet

You flashed him a soft smile before looking around the room, scrunching your nose at the strong scent of Taehyungs intoxicating cologne as you rolled your eyes slightly, turning in your seat to look over at him as you spoke

Jungkook: It stinks of your cologne in here Kim, next time try not to use the whole bottle yeah?

Taehyung huffed as he crossed his arms and raised a questioning eyebrow at you, speaking in a deep tone as he returned your glares

Taehyung: Speak for yourself, that's not my cologne you're smelling, its your own that stinks.

Just as you were about to say something in return, the professor cleared his throat as he put down the book on the desk

Mr.Lynx: That would be the potion you're smelling, meaning it must be done brewing now.

Both you and Taehyung exchanged glares once more before looking away in annoyance as the class quieted down, meanwhile, Jimin and Taehyungs friend giggled softly at the two of you quarreling about who's cologne stinks more

The professor proceeded to pour the potion into small cups before passing them around the class so that everyone had one in front of them, only resuming his lecture once everyone was all set

Mr.Lynx: Now I want you all to smell this potion and write down what it smells like

A soft huff left your lips as you picked the cup up and smelled it, confirming that it indeed smelled just like Taehyungs dumb cologne before confidently writing down ''Kims stinky cologne'' on the small piece of paper in front of you. Finally raising your gaze to look around, seeing fellow classmates giggling and smiling- blushing even, as they wrote down their own answers. 

Mr.Lynx: Now that everyone has written down something, can someone tell me what the amortentia potion smells like?

Upon hearing the potion's name, you froze up slightly as you slowly raised your hand, wanting to confirm your ears didn't just play tricks on you

Jungkook: Sir- did you just say amortentia potion?

He nodded in confirmation as he looked at you humming

Mr.Lynx: That would be correct, do you have an answer to my question Jeon?

You huffed softly as you nodded, pausing for a bit before hesitantly continuing as you spoke somewhat quietly, knowing exactly what the potion is, and even worse what you practically had shouted out in front of everyone merely minutes earlier

Jungkook: Uhm, the potion scent is different for everyone professor, the potion is supposed to... imitate the scents that attracts you...

The last bits of your sentence came out as almost a whisper as you felt your cheeks flush a subtle pink while you cleared your throat looking away, soft snickers now audible inside the classroom as everyone definitely hadn't forgotten the bickering that took place between you and another male before class started

Mr.Lynx: That's correct Jeon, the amortentia potion is among the strongest love potion out there. In todays class I'll be teaching you...

You stopped paying attention to the professor as Jimin covered his mouth trying not to laugh out loud, he poked your arm teasingly whispering a soft ''Exposed'', earning an eye roll from you as you whispered back a soft yet determined

''Shut up I just like the colognes scent, not the person wearing it.''


A soft hum left your lips as you walked through the library's book isles, slowly putting back some books you had borrowed meanwhile Jimin and Hoseok trailed behind you, talking about some school stuff you didn't pay too much attention to

Hoseok: Oh yeah Jungkook, you're coming to that celebratory party this Friday, right?

You frowned slightly in confusion as your eyes trailed to one of the books neatly placed on the shelf, reaching for it before scanning through it to see if it was worth a read

Jungkook: Huh, what are they even celebrating?

Jimin leaned against the shelf as he looked at you

Jimin: The monthly evaluations being over, and it's kind of a tradition for the top 5 to attend.

The thought of seeing a bunch of drunk and horny young adults grind up against one another didn't feel all too intriguing, so you shrugged lightly as you hesitated for a bit

Jungkook: I don't know hyung, I don't see the point in going

Hoseok wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you finally put the last book back in its place

Hoseok: Come on, it'll be fun! We'll be there so you're not alone and you don't have to drink anything.

Jimin nodded in agreement as he flashed you a reassuring smile

Jimin: Try it for a bit and then you can go if you don't like it, please?

You smiled and sighed in defeat, nodding as you giggled softly seeing how excited your friend got after hearing you agree to tag along

Jungkook: Okay fine I'll go, but I'm leaving the moment I start seeing anyone about to hook up on the dance floor alright?

They chuckled and nodded scrunching their noses in disgust

Hoseok: Oh yeah no we don't blame you, no one wants to witness that

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