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Rahul's pov

Rahul returned back to the bar area, and took a seat next to Harry and Yuzi

"Where is Bum?" Yuzi asked

"He said he had some work, he'll return soon"

We were sitting in the bar area, when Bumrah came

"Hey Bum where were you been" Mayank asked

"Met any girl?" Harry asked

"Um kind of"

"Okay drink for you"

"No I don't"

"What about you Rahul?"


"Okay I'll have yours too"

Then Yuzi got a call from their captain,

"Okay we're called back" Yuzi told

"Okay let's not get into trouble, let's go"

They left the bar


Lily's pov

"Rahul!" She told shocked

"What?" Keerthi asked

She turned to Keerthi and pointed at the bar area through the crowd


Lily turned to see, but it was crowded

"There" she showed

"No one's there" Keerthi said

Lily looked again through the crowd and yeah no one was there

"Lily you would have seen someone like him"

"Yeah Maybe"

But I felt like I really saw him, she thought

Two days after,

It was 6:00 pm in the evening, and the last patient left from the cabinet.

Lily was sitting in her chair stretching her neck and arms

When Keerthi entered in

"Come let's go" she started

"Where? Now?"

"Yes we have to leave early morning tomorrow"

Lily looked puzzled

"To the match" she added

"You go nah" Lily sighed

"No I'm not going alone you come, it will be fun"

"No I don't watch cricket Keerthi"

"Give me company na"

"How many hours?"

"Just 5 hours"

"5 hours?!"

"Now don't start how many patients we can treat at that time, see Lily it's our leave tomorrow"

"We doctors don't have leave atleast till we finish our internship"

"Please Lily I can't go alone"

"Okay just this once"

We arrived in the Lord's stadium.

And we were in our seats, it was quiet a large stadium

I didn't even take time to dress I mean who is going to see me in this crowd I thought to myself.

I just wore a plain black shirt and a jeans.

Keerthi was wearing a short white floral dress with red prints.

"We are not on a date, don't you think this is too much for a cricket match" Lily asked

"Come on you have to be optimistic, who knows what if we bum into one of the cricketers" Keerthi replied with a wink

"That will not happen"

"Don't be pessimist"

"I hope nothing like that happens" Lily sighed

"Is it because of your childhood friend?" she asked with a look which changed into a concern now


"Come on it's not like you're childhood Rahul would show up here playing for India" she assured her

The game began,

The openers came to bat

Lily was not mostly interested

"Rohit! Rohit! Rohit!" Keerthi shouted from her seat

Lily was mostly not following, she was surfing through her phone or checking for any emergency calls

The crowd was so loud, Lily looked up to see Keerthi

"Oh no! They are already 4 wickets down, Virat is also out" she told sadly

Suddenly something caught Lily's attention, her eyes were fixed on it, the screen, the guy in the screen

She looked at the big screen in disbelief

"Keerthi", she told in a trembled voice

Keerthi turned to look at her


"He is here"



Keerthi looked confused

Lily pointed at the big screen

Keerthi looked at the big screen.


"You meant KL Rahul all these times" Keerthi shouted, People sitting around them, turned to their seat


So atlast Lily meets Rahul?

Sorry for taking a long time to update.
I'll update soon from now on

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