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It's Lily's first day to High School, till Middle School she went in bus with her childhood best friend Rahul (the one before popular).

And now she had to go in cycle, quiet scared for her first day, that's when he came from her back riding his cycle, even without turning back she knows, it's him.

He tapped her head, that is what he always does,

"Hey!" Lily cried

"Don't be a drama queen, we both know it doesn't hurt" Rahul said laughing

"Oh I'll show you then what hurts" and started to punch him with one hand and other hand on the steering.

"Okay it hurts" he agreed atlast

Lily chuckled in satisfaction.


There is this thing about Rahul, that when she spends time with him it just flews by.

Same way, next second they were before their school.

They sat together, all through Middle School and even now in High School.

It all started when, they both were fighting for the same computer in computer lab during 5th grade where, Lily was stubborn.

In 5th grade,

"Miss I came here first, I sat here so it's mine" argued Lily

"No I'm sitting here for a week Mam"

"Rahul you always sit here, give chance to others also"

Rahul glared at Lily and went and sat on the next computer

It started from there, they used to fight for endless things, and poke at eachother, but they can never be without eachother from then.


Lily saw Rahul as a handsome guy and a friend, but never realised she had something more than that for him.

The way she always brings food for him during his early morning practices knowing he will be hungry, which Rahul brushes off telling

"Oh you are such a mom"

To which she didn't know whether it is a compliment or to tease her.


"So, what's your lunch today?" Rahul asked

"Curd rice"

"My least favorite one" he told with a glum look.

"Yeah, that's why I brought it, I can eat it in peace" Lily laughed.

After finishing their lunches, they went to the playground near their High School, where only children are allowed to play, but it's Rahul and Lily. They are the rule breakers.

They first played in the see-saw where Rahul use to keep Lily up and never let her down.

It's a fun way of Rahul to play with her.

"Put me down now" screamed Lily

"Okay if that's what you want", with that Rahul got up from his end of the see-saw.

Lily landed with a THUD. Rahul enjoyed this.

"I'm going to kill you Rahul"

"Catch me if you can" laughing Rahul started to run.

Rahul felt delighted to watch Lily run around breathless, as she can't keep up with his speed.

"If I catch you, I will grind you like coffee powder" Lily shouted breathlessly

Rahul went round and round cackling up.

Atlast, they both gave up and fell on the ground. Laughing endlessly.



"Can we go to the pani puri shop"

"Now? It's late, already 6:00 pm"


And they got up and went to their regular golgappa shop near the playground.

Both had a competition of who ate more pani puris. The winner gets to have a wish done by the other person.

And as usual Rahul won again like everytime.

While Lily cursing "If you have that much big mouth who can compete with you?"

"For that we can't exchange mouths with eachother"

Lily's face went red, with this

"Don't be stupid" and walked back to her home.

"Hey I was joking" Rahul followed her

"Yeah when were you not"

"Anyways about the wish"

"As you always ask for your favourite lunch"

"No, this time I'm going to ask for something else"

"Ask something which I can do"

"You can definitely do this"


"You know Pooja from class 11"

"Yeah the cutie"

"I want to ask her out, and... you have to help me"


Thank you for reading
Hope you enjoyed it
This is my first story,
so there maybe some mistakes
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Cheers! 🌹

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