Chapter 7

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I'M ALIVE!!!!!

I am so sorry everyone, I know I haven't posted in like a millennia but I've just been lacking motivation recently. I swear I will try to update more though.

Also another thing, I have decided to skip forward because the story is dragging on. So I'm skipping to the episode where Jim and Harvey meet Jeremiah. I hope you like it.


"So we are looking for leads on this Xander Wilde?" Harvey asked.

I sat there, staring at the two men debating whether I should tell them or not.

You see no one ever knew of my life as Hayley Wilde, I made sure they knew my name was (Y/n) Valeska when I was sent to Arkham in order to protect Jeremiah's identity as Xander.

"We do have one lead, Hayley Wilde, his twin sister. However she's a dead end like her brother" Jim replied and I sighed.

"Actually, I know something about them" I interjected, taking the two by surprise.

"You do? How?" Harvey asked.

"Long story for another time, I can take you to Xander's house though" I said, deciding to keep the other part a secret for now.

"Lead the way kid"


We eventually made it to Jeremiah's place and got out of the car, going over to the door.

I looked at the camera and nodded, knowing he could see me, and the door unlocked.

We walked in, being greeted by Ecco, who had a very unimpressed look on her face. I just gave an 'I'll explain later' look and we kept walking.

"So this whole joints underground?" Harvey asked as she lead us through the halls.

"Mr. Wilde values his privacy" she replied shortly.

"How long has he lived here?" Jim asked.

"He finished construction six years ago" she answered.

"Ecco 496" she spoke into the security system before turning to us. "He'll see you now."

I smiled inwardly, extremely excited to see my brother as I haven't since he said goodbye in Arkham that day.

We walked through the doors to reveal a secure room with tv screens and papers everywhere.

In the corner of the room I spotted Jeremiah, his back towards us as to not alarm Jim and Harvey.

"Thank you for seeing us, Mr. Wilde" Jim said, looking around the room.

"I expected you might come, Captain" my brother said, turning around.

Jim and Harvey panicked, grabbing their guns.

"My god. There's two of them" Harvey said shocked.

"Three actually, I'm here too ya old man" I interrupted.

"(Y/n)" Jeremiah said and I smiled, tears pricking my eyes as I ran up and hugged my brother tight.

Sane Love (Bruce Wayne x Reader) *Completed*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant