Chapter 9

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What a new update? Already? But it hasn't been a month yet. I was in the mood, so I hope you like it!

I will warn you, get the tissues ready because fuck will you need them. This shit intense man. But odds are you know this tragic outcome.

Good luck my fellow readers!

The bomb around my neck somehow felt tighter at the sight of Bruce and Jeremiah in harms way.

"Well, look who decided to show up. We were starting to get nervous, especially the mayor here. My guest of honour. Please, take your seats on stage" Jerome said, turning towards Jeremiah and Bruce.

Jim nodded to the pair and Bruce made his way towards us, however my brother lingered a little, scared.

"Come on. Don't be shy" Jerome encouraged.

I saw Jim say something before he started moving, slowly making his way to the stage.

"We don't have all day" Jerome continued.

My eyes scanned between Bruce and Jeremiah, a sickening feeling in my stomach, like something bad was going to happen.

"Hi, brother" Jerome smirked, Jeremiah sneering while continuing forwards.

"Are you alright (Y/n)?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine Jer" I replied, giving a small smile.

I then looked over at Jim and Lucius to see him yell into a walkie talkie.

Only mer seconds later did gun shots ring throughout the area, the crowd screaming in fear.

"I had my guys take out the best advantage points last night. So they've been watching your little SWAT team all day" Jerome informed with a smirk. "Now, Bruce, brother dear. Get up on stage. It's time to get this party really started, huh?"

I saw the panic lace through Jeremiah's face as the pair of them were strapped on like me, a bomb fastened around their necks.

I stared at Jeremiah, who was next to me, Bruce on the other side of him.

"God I'm so sorry Jer. I got you involved, this is all my fault" I whispered.

"Hey, hey don't blame yourself. It was bound to happen eventually, besides, anything to help my sister" he smiled and I returned the gesture.

"Aww look at you two, all cosy and sibling like, how gross" Jerome said, getting in our faces.

"Jerome, please" I pleaded.

"Oh shut up" he snapped and I sighed, head hanging low.

"No parent will admit it. But everyone's got their favourites. Right, brother? Sister?" Jerome sneered, making me flinch.

He then came over and sat in the dead commissioners seat.

"The one who cleans their room, does their homework, doesn't try to kill everybody. Little Mr and Miss Perfect over here. Yeah, they were those kids" Jerome explained in a narrative voice. "They got adopted by rich folks. Went to the top schools, then a top college."

"Meanwhile, I got dragged through the circus by my depressed, alcoholic mother. Forced to clean up elephant dung everyday" Jerome spat and I felt my body flinch at that, a tear slipping my eye.

"Oh don't look so sad cissy, you weren't much better then me. Tell me, I wonder if people here know about how you killed three people, ending up in Arkham" he smirked and I felt my body pale at his words.

Sane Love (Bruce Wayne x Reader) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now