Chapter 6

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*Your outfit*

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*Your outfit*

I sighed, finishing up my last report and gazing out at the night sky in a bored manner.

Now you may be wondering why I'm bored, it's simple really. Harvey is busy running a the GCPD (and day drinking), Bruce is out being a vigilant and Jim decided to go find Falcone and get him back in charge of Gotham.

So in other words everyone is out making a difference besides me, who's stuck on desk duty instead of some cool crime. So like I said, boring.

I sighed, standing up and grabbing my paperwork before walking to Harvey's office and walking in.

When I walked in I saw him frantically put something away and laughed.

"Chill old man, I know you drink on the job, I'm a detective after all" I replied with a smug smile.

"Of course you do" he replied with a small smile. "What's up kid?"

"Got that report you asked for" I replied, gently throwing it onto his table.

"Thanks (Y/n), you can get going since it's so quiet" he said and I nodded.

"Thanks Harv, see ya tomorrow" I said before walking to my desk, grabbing my stuff and walking out of the precinct.

I stared at the glistening stars while enjoying my peaceful walk home, well as peaceful as a walk through Gotham city at night can be that is.

I felt this strange feeling in my gut and turned my head to see no one there. Weird.

I then turned around but before I could comprehend what happened I was pulled into a dark alley, no one else in sight.

I was about to kick this persons ass when the moonlight shone on his face, the metal staples shinning.

"Hello cissy, been a while" Jerome grinned wickedly.

"J-Jerome" I stuttered, terrified for my life.

"How have you been? Joining the good side" he said.

"What do you want Jerome" I replied sternly.

"Oh, so harsh" he chuckled madly, face suddenly going serious. "I want our brother."

"Jeremiah? Why do you think I know where he is? I haven't spoken to him in years" I replied.

"Now now (Y/n), don't be stupid. I know you left with him and therefore know where he is. So. Tell. Me" he said in a strict voice that made my skin crawl.

"I told you Jerome I don't know" I replied sincerely. "And if I did I wouldn't tell you."

"I see you chose your favourite sibling then" he replied bitterly making me sigh.

"Jerome, you know I love you equally" I replied. "But then you changed, you aren't the same brother I grew up with."

"No, I'm better!" He cackled, face coming close to mine making me stiffen, which he noticed.

"Oh, your scared of me aren't you?" He asked amused.

"Honestly, yes, you scare me Jerome. I always looked up to you as kids but now... your insane" I replied seriously. "And that scares me, that you aren't the same brother I once had."

I saw a flash of sadness and hurt cross his stitched face but it was gone almost as quick as it came.

"Just be warned, I will find him (Y/n). You can't stop the change coming" he smirked before running off.

I stared in the direction my brother ran off and sighed. Oh Jerome.


I finally got home and went straight to my burner phone, dialling the only contact it held.

The phone rang out a few times before finally being answered.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong? This number was only for emergencies" they answered.

"He's after you Jer, you gotta stay hidden" I replied worried.

"What happened (Y/n)? you sound scared" he asked worried.

"He cornered me in an alley about ten minutes ago. I just got home and needed to tell you" I replied.

"He what?! Are you okay?!" Jeremiah asked panicked.

"I'm fine, just a little shaken up. Look, he's set on finding you Jeremiah, you must stay hidden" I said.

"I will (Y/n), don't worry" he replied.

"I hope not, I can't lose any other brother"   I said.

"You won't, I promise" he replied sincerely. "I'm sorry but I have to go, Ecco and I must prepare."

"Okay, tell her I said hi and take care Jer, hopefully we can see each other soon" I replied I, hanging up the phone and hiding it again.

Hey guys I'm back!

I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a millennia, I just have been going through some things at the moment and I haven't been in a very good place mentally. That and major writers block.

Anyways, I'll try to post more soon. Also I was wondering if you wanted me to skip forward more so that we get closer into it. Because that's what I was thinking on doing.

I hopE you enjoyed this short chapter and I'll hopefully see you all soon.

Love you guys so much.

~ A. G

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