Chapter 2

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Hey guys just a heads up but each chapter is going to be based on an episode. So one chapter equals one episode of that makes sense (unless it's too big then I'll split in half).

Also some parts will be made up but if real audio is required I will put it in.

Anyways on with the chapter, enjoy!!

Anyways on with the chapter, enjoy!!

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*Your outfit*

I sighed, running my hands through my hair while reading over all the files sitting in front of me.

Ever since Cobblepot started his nightclub 'The Iceberg Lounge' and started licensing crime to gangs of the city, the GCPD is torn.

It seems to be Jim and I against the rest of them, everyone believing we should roll over and show our bellies just because he said so. Well I think the fuck not. I have been raised through hell and if anything good has come out of it, it's not taking anyone's shit.

On the plus side most thugs know who I am and tend to steer clear of me, perks of being a Valeska I guess.

I swear to god whoever is in control of this world needs to take a damn break on this city. First it was the Tetch virus and now this shit within weeks, like seriously calm down.

"You good kid?" I heard Harvey ask.

"Wonderful" I muttered monotonously.

"Look I know you hate when I say this but-"

"I'm not going to stop arresting them Harv, they are criminals and criminals get bought in" I finished, finally looking up at him.

"Look I know how passionate you are, believe me I've been partners with Jim for a while. But ya gotta let this go. Your both gonna get us in trouble" he said and I sighed.

"Not happening Harvey, I'm not going to stop doing what I believe in just because some old bird says so. You'll have to fire me Captain" I snapped and it was his turn to sigh.

I love Harvey, really I do, he's like a second father to me. However I cannot stand him sometimes, and I mean that with all the love in the world. It seems whenever things get rough he abandons ship and just goes with what's easiest. Which isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world, expect when it's anything to do with Penguin.


I was minding my own business when the phone rang.

"Hello this is the GCPD" I answered.

"Hello? There has been a robbery at Gotham City Bank. The gang has sprayed some type of substance on people and they are all panicking" a lady informed panicked.

"It's alright calm down ma'am, is the gang still there?" I asked.

"No they're gone, please hurry" she said.

Sane Love (Bruce Wayne x Reader) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now