This night could not get any worse.

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Angie took the headphones from Luke and rushed over to me. She tried to give them to me, but I just shook my head and turned away, knowing that I couldn't hold the tears back any longer. Eventually, Angie and Lauren somehow convinced me to take the headphones and go sit out in the hallway and listen to my noise generator.

When I sat down and plugged my headphones in, all the memories started coming back. One, however, stood out particularly more than the rest. The night before I found out about Luke and what he did.


Sometimes when I sleep, I get really bad nightmares. They don't even sound that bad when I describe them to Luke, but when I can't seem to escape, I feel trapped and terrified. Tonight, I was dreaming that some weird man was trying to kill me. Not so scary if it's a dream right? I didn't know that, so I was obviously freaking out. Luke and I were both in his bunk in the tour bus, because I accidentally fell asleep there and never actually went back to my bunk. I woke up to him saying, "Ali, Ali, it's just a dream, don't worry," I immediately felt safer and calmer. I couldn't go back to sleep for the rest of the night, so he just held me close to him and whispered things like, "It's okay," over and over again. I had never felt more content before.

*Flashback ends*

Thinking back to that memory made me feel sick, because I know now that that entire time he was cheating on me. When he held me at night, when we built forts together, when he took me on cute dates, when we would stay up all night talking, he was cheating on me. The entire time. I started to get worked up about it, but then I used breathing exercises to make me feel calmer. After about 20 minutes, I decided to head back to the room and ignore Luke for the rest of the night.

Walking into the room was torture. Everyone stared at me as I made my way to Lauren, who was standing with Calum. Good. I loved Calum. He never hurt me. The only reason I stopped talking to the other guys was because even talking to them made me think about Luke and it hurt too much. But I'm not going to let Luke ruin my night this time. I'm going to put a smile on my face and have some fun with my long lost friend.

"Hey, nugget! Happy birthday!" Calum exclaimed. I laughed at the nickname, nugget. I hadn't been called that in a super long time. It started because one time Cal said Ali and I thought he had said nugget for some weird reason. Calum thought it was the most hilarious thing ever, and resorted to calling me nothing but nugget every time we spoke.

"Thanks! You were great tonight by the way," I told him, because he really was. They have improved so much over the last year.

"Thank you, I was just getting to know Lauren, here, who didn't seem to know about you and Luke, huh?" Calum says.

"Yeah well, I was starting fresh and didn't want those memories following me. She didn't need to know. Besides, I figured she'd find out eventually, and it looks like I was right," I say.

"Why are you guys talking about me when I'm right here?" Lauren questioned.

"Sorry!" Calum said, "So what were you saying about that whale that you saw last summer?"

Calum and Lauren get lost in a conversation, and I find it hard to pay attention to what they're saying. All I wanted to do right now was scream and yell at Luke for cheating on me and hurting me and ruining my life forever. But I had to keep my cool.

"I'm gonna go get a drink," I say to Cal and Lauren.

I walk off to get a drink on the side of the room. I opt for a Sprite and pour myself some in a solo cup. I pick up my cup and turn around, planning on heading back to Lauren and Calum.

Instead, I run straight into Luke, causing me to spill my drink all over him.

My life could not get any worse than it is at this exact moment.


Hey guys! I wrote this chapter super quickly so I hope that it's okay and that you guys like it. I originally got about 3/4 done writing this chapter about a week ago and it didn't save for some reason, so I had to start over. Also, sorry for not updating for so long. I didn't think anyone was actually reading this and wouldn't really care how long it took me to update. But, turns out there's a couple people that are actually enjoying it. Thanks for that guys! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I have a pretty clear idea of where the next chapter is headed so that should be up soon!


ps. sorry this author's not was so long. I really don't have an excuse for why it's like that.

Moving On - Luke HemingsWhere stories live. Discover now