So much for breakfast.

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I woke up to the sound of my mother greeting someone at the door. I assumed it was one of her friends, since they love to come over in the morning and chat over breakfast. I was surprised when I heard a deep voice respond to my mom instead of one her friends.

"Hi, Mrs. Clark, how are you?" the familiar voice greets her.

That asshole. Luke knows I love when he comes early in the morning to wake me up and chills with me while I get ready so we can go shopping or out to breakfast or to see a movie. I had forgotten how much I loved it until he showed up today. There's something about waking up to his voice in the morning that is comforting and brings joy to me.

I hate that he can do that. Something as simple as coming to my house in the morning. Just by doing that he can my heart flutter. It's not fair.

I won't let him win me over this easily. As much as I still love him, I'm not ready to trust him. I don't know if I will ever be able to trust him like I did before.

I hear his footsteps bounding up the stairs to my room. I'm not sure what I should do. Should I pretend to be asleep? Get up and start getting ready?

I decide at the last second what I'm going to do. I run to my closet and start rummaging through my clothes, looking for something to wear. 

"Ali?" I hear Luke's voice, as well as a faint knock on my door. "Come on in," I yell from inside my closet. He steps in while saying "Hey, so I was wondering if-", but stops in the middle of his sentence. I'm not sure why he stopped, so I pop my head out the closet door. He's still standing in the doorway, staring into my room.

"What?" I say, utterly confused as to why he's frozen in his place. That seems to break him out of his trance and he blinks, turning his head to look at me.

"Oh my god..." He says, his voice trailing off. "It's just, I haven't been in your room in so long and a lot of memories just flooded into my mind when I walked in,"

"Oh yeah? I relive our last time in here together practically everyday, it totally sucks," I say.

He snorts. "Really? The time where we screamed and yelled?" He laughs. I'm glad we can laugh about it now because at the time we certainly weren't laughing. It was a typical Ali/Luke argument. We got ourselves into them all the time, and that particular night we were fighting about his friends. Not his bandmates, but another crowd he had been hanging around I didn't like. 

"You know, after we broke up, I stopped talking to those guys," he tells me.

"Why?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Cause you didn't like them," He says simply.

"That didn't seem to matter when we were dating," I spat.

"When we were dating, I didn't realize how lucky I was to have you. After, I realized that you were important and I valued your opinions," He tells me.

"How nice of you," I say sarcastically and go back to trying to find something to wear.

"I like this," Luke says, picking up a mint green crop top and handing it to me. I roll my eyes.

"Only cause that's what I was wearing the first time you met me!" I yell, but I'm laughing. 

He laughs too. "I like it, it makes you look beautiful,"

"What, am I not beautiful when I'm not wearing it?" I tease.

"Hey, you know I didn't mean it like that!!" He says defensively.

"I know," I laugh. Making him mad was something I particularly excelled in. I haven't been able to do it in a while.

"Do you wanna go out to breakfast?" Luke asks hopefully.

"No," I say returning to my clothes.

"What?" Luke asks.

"No." I repeat myself, this time more sternly.

"Why?" Luke asks, sounding defeated.

"I don't like you, remember?" I say, preoccupied with my closet.

"Please Ali? I need this," He says, practically begging.

"You need this? Why?" I ask, confused.

"I need you. I need us. You drive me crazy, I can't stand it. This past year without you has been hell. It might have looked like I was happy, but I wasn't. I pretended to be to hurt you because I was angry at you for leaving. But I'm not pretending anymore. The only thing I know is that I need you," Luke confesses, barely taking a breath.

Wow. I had no idea Luke felt this way. All that time I thought he was over me because he looked happy? I can't believe he wasn't. I look at him and see the pain in his eyes. Pain that I inflicted. It breaks my heart that I did this to him. I give in.

"Okay fine. But I'm not going to breakfast with you. Your fans hate me and I don't feel like dealing with that. We're gonna stay in and make breakfast here!" I say.

"Alright sure, but I'm not very good at cooking," He says. I laugh.

"I know," The last time we cooked together we decided to make homemade pizza. I got a phone call while the pizza was cooking and told Luke to watch it. When I got off the phone and made my way back to the kitchen I found the pizza burnt to a crisp. I couldn't even be mad at him, he honestly had no idea.

I gather supplies for breakfast. I choose to make sausage, bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, and pancakes. I also cut up some fresh fruit. 

I instruct Luke on how to lay some bacon in a frying pan to cook it. All the while I start cooking everything else. He is so damn slow it makes me laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Luke asks, turning around.

"You, as always," I tease. He makes his way towards me, where I am currently just finishing up making the pancake batter. He sticks his finger in and licks it.

"Hey!" I yell, "I don't want your dirty hands anywhere near my batter!"

"Okay fine," He says and goes to retrieve a spoon. I allow him to scoop up some, just for a taste, but instead of tasting it, he flings the batter towards me. 

"LUKE NO!" I scream. Before I have time to react, there is pancake batter splattered all over my shoulder. 

"You. Did. Not." I say, suddenly very determined to get him back. He makes a move to stick the spoon in again but I lunge towards the batter, scooping a handful of it up with my hands. I throw it at him, and before we know we're both covered in head to toe in pancake batter and the food is all burnt. So much for breakfast.


Hey! So I'm sorry I haven't updated in a little while but to make up for it here's a (somewhat) long update. I had a different copy completely done and finished but it didn't save right and I had to restart all of it, so this one is shorter. I'm really sorry about that.

But I hope you like it and please feel free to leave me comments! I love reading them!



Moving On - Luke HemingsWhere stories live. Discover now