I think I need to leave my past in the past.

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As soon as Luke and I realize what we've done, my mom walks into the room.

"Oh, Ali, what on earth were you thinking?" she asks, sounding disappointed with my behavior.

"It was his fault!" I shout, pointing at Luke. He gives me a look but accepts the blame.

"She's right, Mrs. Clark. I threw batter at her first. I'm sorry. I'll start cleaning up," He says, making his way towards the sink to grab a washcloth.

"I am going to go the grocery store. When I get back, this kitchen should be in immaculate condition. Do you hear me?" Mom asks me. I nod and say goodbye.

When she's gone, I sigh. Luke is busy scrubbing the floor so I quickly ran upstairs to change out of my now disgusting pajamas. I put on a hot pink tank top and some light wash denim shorts and run back downstairs. To my surprise, Lauren and Calum are standing in the kitchen, laughing at the mess.

"Really?" Calum asks. "It's 9:00 in the morning and you've already made this much of a mess?" Luke laughs and I giggle, going to help Luke clean the mess so my mom doesn't kill me. 

"I'm assuming you guys want to join us for breakfast this morning then?" Lauren asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, please, I'm starving," I say, agreeing. Until I realize what Lauren is trying to do. She's setting me up! Trying to get me to go on a double date with her and Calum with Luke!

"No!" I yell at her, my eyes widen and she laughs, knowing I figured her plan out. 

"Yes," she says, "you already agreed and even if you don't want to, I'm making you," Lauren says, linking her arm with mine. "Let's go,"

I grabbed my sunglasses and keys and reluctantly go to my car. Everyone piles in, Lauren in the passenger seat and the boys in the back. Lauren grabs my phone and plugs it into the AUX chord, playing music. I roll the windows down and turn up the music, which happens to be a song off of Panic! At the Disco's new album. This one is called Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time and it's my favorite off the album. Lauren and I start screaming the words, as we always do while in the car together and laugh. There is nothing I love more than a singing session while cruising in the car with Lauren. 

I almost forget the boys in the back until I hear them laughing. I look back and they're both recording us belting out the words to crazy songs. Crap. That's not embarrassing at all. Lauren and I exchange a look before screaming at the same time, "Delete it!!! Delete it please!!!" We both burst out in laughter, since we said it at the exact same time. The boys just laugh and shake their heads, as I pull into the breakfast diner. We hop out and I immediately head to the booth in the back corner of the diner, my favorite place in the diner to sit. As I sit down, a rush of memories of times with Luke in the exact spot come to mind. 

First, the time when I was mad at him so he dragged me here and bought me breakfast and I couldn't help but forgive him. Second, the time when we sat here all night talking about perspective and what it meant to be alive and what we were meant to be doing with our lives. Third, the night before we broke up. We were both on edge, and things were tense. We were in a fight that day but not a big enough one to break up. We sat quietly sipping our drinks, both of us scared of what the other was going to say. So we decided it was better not to say anything. We didn't talk the entire night, we just soaked in each others presence. 

"Ali? Ali," I hear Luke's voice calling me. I snap out of my daydream and turn to him.

"What?" I snap, more harsh that I meant for it to be.

He blinks at me, and starts to speak quietly."We're you thinking about the last time we were here?"

"How can I not?" I sigh. 

"Listen, I get that we have a history and memories but you can't let the past me and my decisions determine our relationship now," Luke tells me.

"Why not? I'm going off of what I know, why is that such a bad thing?" I retort.

"Because I've changed, I'm not the same person that you knew," Luke begs.

"You seem to be Luke, I've spent a good amount of time with you lately and you haven't changed much since we were dating," I say.

"Fair enough. I know I don't deserve it, but I am asking you to give me a second chance," Luke says.

"As much as I might want to that Luke, I don't know if I'm mentally able to go through that. It'll take time and it won't be like our happy times before. It's going to be hard and a lot of work. I don't know if I'm up for that. I'm going to college this fall and I think I need to leave my past in the past," I say, knowing I'm breaking his heart. Tears threaten to spill and do all that I can to hold them back. I need to be strong. For him.

I look at him to see his face as white as can be. I can't do this. I can't let him slip through my fingers again. I can't push him away when all I ever want when he's gone is him. Guilt washes over me and I finally speak up again.

"But, if you could do your best to change your ways, I would allow you to be part of my future, too. I think I want that," I say, talking slowly and choosing my words carefully.

His face lights up. "Really? I can promise I'll change, Ali, of course," He says really fast. 

Maybe this can work. Maybe we can do this. Maybe if I stop letting myself think he's such a bad person I'll finally be able to see what a great person he is. Maybe I can give us another chance. Maybe we can be us again.


HEY! another update done, it took a little longer than excepted and weird thing is is that i finally decide to update during midterms week. procrastination at its finest :) I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and the ending :)))) please comment and tell me what you think! thanks for all the support it means the world!!



Moving On - Luke HemingsWhere stories live. Discover now