I have a problem.

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When we walk out of the diner, all four of us are greeted with about 10 men with giant cameras and lenses that are longer than my arms. Luke and I were holding hands, since I was allowing him to be affectionate towards me for once. I didn't really think anything of it and hopped in the car, heading towards my house.

All of us came back to my house, and were chilling in my room. Lauren and Calum were sitting on the floor being super adorable and flirty. They are actual relationship goals. Luke and I were laying on my bed, him softly singing along to music and me scrolling through tumblr. We were all silent, but it was the kind of silence that is comfortable. We were content in just being there together, not necessarily talking. 

All of the sudden, Luke's voice breaks the silence. It comes out quietly.

"Oh shit," He says in a tone that is full of worry.

The rest of us look back to him, me asking what was wrong. I lean over to him and get a glimpse of what was on his phone. It was a picture from earlier today, of the four of us leaving the diner. The caption underneath the photo said "Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood out and about in their hometown today" There were 2 comments on the photo. The first saying: "Is that Calum's mystery girl we've been speculating about??" and the second said: "Wait, isn't the girl Luke holding hands with his ex girlfriend? Are they back together?!"

My face turned white. I felt like I was going to throw up. Why did I have to get involved with a famous guy? Why can't I just have a normal guy who goes to my school and all I have to worry about are how the other people at school see me? Not millions of teenage girls around the word!

Before any of us get the chance to say anything, Cal's phone rings. 

"Hey Ash," Calum says, answering the phone. "Yes, we saw all of the drama. I'm sorry, dude, we weren't really thinking it would be such a big deal. Yeah hold on," Calum says, while holding the phone out to Luke. 

"He wants to have a word," Calum says.

"Hey, man," Luke speaks into the phone. "I didn't think it through, no. I know its a big deal, trust me. Yes, I know they know who she is and I know I just created a whole lot of drama, but so what? Who cares? I like someone, that shouldn't matter!" Luke says raising his voice.

"Luke," I say, reaching out to him, but he jerks away.

"No, Ali! No! You're causing all of these issues, I need some space right now!" He yells, picking up his stuff and leaving. Calum gets up and follows him out, kissing Lauren goodbye. She looks at me, and opens her arms, knowing I need a hug right now.

"You okay?" she asks kindly. I nod my head, but don't say anything. I'm not really sure what to say at this point.


That night, I decided to take a walk. It was a beautiful night and I totally needed the air.

I found myself walking to Luke's house. He must've cooled down by now. When I get to the door, I rang the doorbell and his mom appeared. 

"Ali! It's been so long, its so good to you!!" she exclaims.

"Hi, Mrs. Hemmings, its so great to see you too! I've missed you!" She gives me a big hug and allows me to come inside.

"Are you here to see Luke? I haven't seen him much today," she explains.

"Yeah, I am. Can I go up?" I ask, pointing to the stairs.

"Of course sweetheart, let me know if you need anything," she says in the kind tone Luke's mom always uses. 

I make my way up the stairs, and make a left. I walk down the long hallway and turn to his bedroom on the right hand side. The door is cracked open and I peek in. I see him sitting on his bed, headphones on and his back to me, facing his window. It was always something he did when he was stressed. Music and his view outside his bedroom could solve any of Luke Hemming's problems. I don't bother to knock, because I know he wouldn't hear me. I step in quietly, examining his bedroom. Hardly anything has changed since we were dating. It felt oddly familiar. The scent especially. This was something I had been craving for so long. The comfort of his scent was overwhelming and I felt immediately relaxed when I set foot in the room. Clothes were sprawled everywhere, as always, and the bed was unmade. I don't think I've ever seen his bed made. 

We're opposites in that sense. I have to make my bed every morning and I have to have my room clean and everything is organized and put together in my room. Yet, it doesn't bother me to be in his messy room. If anything, it's comforting and familiar. 

I cross the room and sit next to him, facing the window as well. He stirs when he notices my presence, but doesn't turn to look at me. I lean my head on his shoulder, something I've always done, as a signal that I am sympathizing with him. We sit in silence for a long time, him staring outside and listening to his music, me with my eyes closed listening to the faint sounds of the music coming from his headphones.

After about an hour, I hear the music pause. He takes off his headphones, but it's quiet for a few more minutes. I thought for sure he would have kicked me out by now, but he doesn't. I can tell he is needing me right now. After what feels like eternity, he finally speaks.

"Do you know whats crazy?" He asks, still not looking at me.

I don't bother to move either. "What?"

"Society likes to tell us who to be. I was always different though, I was my own person. People liked that. They rejoiced me for being the kid who followed my dreams and had a music career. But once I became that famous singer, society started telling me who to be again, out of habit I guess. They criticized me when I dressed a certain way, when I missed a note, and now they're criticizing me for choosing to be with someone. Ironic how I'm in this position because I didn't follow the rules, yet they're angry at me for not following the rules,"

I stay silent, pondering. Finally, I moved to face him.

"Look at me," I say, tilting his chin upward so he can look me in the eyes. "Do not let anyone tell you who to be. Not even me. Choose what you think is best. Do what you think is right. If anyone has anything to say about that, then they really shouldn't be talking, because chances are, they are only paying attention to you because they have nothing else to do with their time,"

He sighs, and says, "What if I think the right decision is you?"

"Then so be it," I tell him.

As soon as I'm finished talking he cups my face and gently kisses me. He smirks and we both deepen the kiss. It was the first time since dating him that I hadn't felt guilty about kissing him. I just let him do it. 

I have a problem.I might be in love with Luke Hemmings.


omg! I'm really liking this chapter! this is totally not where I was planning on this going but I am totally okay with it! i made it extra long for you guys since it's been so long since I've updated. don't forget to comment and tell me what you think of the chapter! also, thank you for 5k reads that INSANE. i love you all!



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