Seeing HIM Again

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Lauren came over before the concert to get ready with me and just to hang out. We did our hair and makeup and picked cute outfits wear. I made sure I looked super cute because I wanted Luke to see me and think "Damn, I can't believe I made the mistake of cheating on her,". So, I curled my hair and tucked it away from my face with a black bandana. I wore a plain black crop top and some white denim shorts with my favorite hot pink vans. I looked pretty badass if I did say so myself.

"Why do you look so nervous?" Lauren questioned.

I didn't want to tell her the truth obviously, so I gave her the biggest smile I could muster. "I'm fine, just a little tired, I'm sure I'll be fine once I get there," I reassured her.

On the car ride to the venue, Lauren would not stop talking about how excited she was for the concert. She was really interested to see what kind of band they were and if they were any good at performing. I wanted to tell her they were great at performing live, but that would totally ruin everything.

Once we got there, it was just a sea of teenage girls wearing flannel shirts. I guess they take after the boys? It was so weird for me to see all of these people show up to see 5sos, the biggest dorks I've ever met. 

When we got the gate, some guy checked our tickets and we were allowed in. There were people running around making sure everything was running smoothly. I had to keep hiding behind Lauren because I kept seeing people I recognized that worked for 5sos. 

"What are you doing?" Lauren asked as I ducked behind her when I spotted Larry, one of the sound guys. 

"Oh, nothing, I just tripped," I said a little too quickly. I could tell she didn't really believe me, but she decided to not comment on it and just nodded while continuing to walk towards our seats. Once we finally made it there, we started talking to the girls seated next to us, whose names were Alex and Sarah. 

"We are so excited to see the boys perform! Who are your favorites?" Alex asked us.

"When I was researching them yesterday, I really liked Calum," Lauren told them. That was news to me. All three girls looked at me expectantly and I realized they were waiting for me to tell them which one was my favorite.

"Luke," I blurted out not thinking. God, why did I have to say him? He is definitley my least favorite right now. Why did I have to say him?! He cheated on me for 2 freaking years!

"Omg, me too!" Sarah exclaimed. "I just love everything about him. His voice, his hair, his eyes, his personality," she rambled.

"Yeah, same," I agreed, even though it took all of my strength to agree with her. It was making me so nervous being here. He was just backstage and I'm getting anxious just thinking about it.

Waiting for them to come onstage was torture. I just wanted to get this over with. I didn't want to see him, I wanted to go home and sit on my bed and write a song about how much I hated him. Not that I can even write songs.

I didn't get to do that though, they had to come out eventually, and when they did it was brutal. They all came out super happy with huge smiles on their faces. We were in the first row, but a little bit towards the right, so at least I wasn't directly in front of him. Instead, Calum was in front of me. He was the first to recognize me. He had just come on stage and was appraoching his microphone when he noticed me. At first he had this look of surprise on his face but he recovered and gave me a little smile and wave. I did the same back, deperatley praying that Luke didn't see me. 

"Why did Calum just smile and wave at you? Does he know you?" Alex asked.

"Uh, no, I guess he was just saying hi to his fans," I responded, hoping she didn't see through my lie.

I knew that Luke was going to notice me eventually. When he walked over to Calum and started playing with him, I knew that's when it was going to happen. When he came over, Alex and Sarah started going crazy, which brought his attention to them. He turned his head to look at the crowd and then his eyes landed on me. He was in the middle of playing the guitar, luckily not singing, and he just kind of stopped. He stared at me and I stared back. Calum saw the tension and realized that Luke needed to sing soon, so he gently pushed him in the direction of his microphone. It snapped Luke out of whatever trance we were in and he ran to his mic just in time for his solo. 

The rest of the concert he wouldn't stop glancing at me, as well as all the other boys. Lauren, Alex, and Sarah all started to notice.

"Why do all the boys keep looking at you, it's like they know you," Lauren commented.

"Weird. I've never met them before. I don't know maybe they think I look like one of their friends?" I lied.

"Maybe. Every time Luke looks at you he looks super nervous. This is so weird," she said in response.

I ignored her and tried to keep my cool for the rest of the show. All I had to do now was get through the meet and greet. However, things just got a bit more difficult.

A security guard walking by recognized me. "Ali?" He questioned.

Shit. How am I going to explain this to the girls?

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