"You're being selfish"

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*6 moths later*

"He hasn't called in two days, Ali, I'm starting to think he doesn't want to talk to me anymore!" Lauren exclaims.

"Laur, calm down. They're touring AND they're in a different time zone. I'm sure they're ridiculously busy and Calum just hasn't had the chance to call. Relax, it's no big deal," I tell her.

"If you say so," Lauren says.

Lauren and Calum started to date about 5 months ago. They've been going strong ever since and are actually really adorable. I'm so happy to see my two best friends in a happy relationship together.

My love life hasn't been doing so well, though. After 2 months of ignoring him, Luke stopped trying to get my attention. For the past 4 months, there has been nothing but silence between us. I've been searching for a new guy to date, but none of the guys I've gone out with have been guys I like. I think I'm just in a weird place and need to find myself before I find someone else, if that makes any sense at all.

"Ali, 5sos is coming here to do a show in a week. You have to come with me to support the boys," Lauren pleads, as she flips through Seventeen magazine.

"No way!" I retort. I was sitting at my vanity, curling my hair for our night out tonight, and I got so angry at what Lauren just said to me that I actually burnt my arm on the curling iron.

"See? That's what you get when you are being selfish and not wanting to support your friends," Lauren says to me, trying to guilt me into going.

"Luke is NOT my friend, Lauren!" I yell, defensively.

"Listen, he took full responsibility for what he did. Why can't you just forgive him? You're obviously still not over him," she says.

"Why do you say that?" I ask genuinely curious.

"Cause, Ali, you haven't wanted to hook up with a guy since they left 6 months back. Before he came back, you loved having meaningless hookups, just to get away. If you can't even do that, then this kid obviously has had an impact on you," 

She's right. I really am not over Luke. I avoid  him because I thought that would make my feelings for him go away. 6 months into ignoring him, and I'm not so sure anymore. I bite my lip. "So what if I have feelings for him? I'm never going to get with him again. He hurt me in ways that I didn't even know were possible. As Taylor Swift says 'I can't say hello to him, and risk another goodbye',"

"I didn't say get with him, Ali, I said that you should come support your friends on their headline tour. Maybe Luke isn't your friend. But the other 3 guys who are going to be standing up there are. I think it's selfish of you to bail on the rest of them just because of what's going on between you and Luke," Lauren says.

She got me there. I know she's right and I am going to have to go, but I just really don't want to. But Lauren is right. I need to stop thinking about me and be there for 3 of my best friends. Even if they are in a band with the guy I'm trying to avoid. "Okay, fine. I'll go."

"YES! All the guys are really going to appreciate it, Ali," Lauren tells me.

I finish curling the last piece of my hair and grab my bag, telling Lauren I'm ready to go. "Finally, it's not like I've been waiting an hour or anything," Lauren says, teasing me.

We go to a club and actually have fun. We get drunk and dance until we can't stand anymore. Just as we're about to leave I spot Dylan. He was my boyfriend pre-Luke Hemmings. I decide I have nothing to loose and go to talk to him. Maybe he'll help me get over Luke. 

"Dylan!" I call, making Dylan turn around. Wow. He got even more gorgeous than he was when I dated him. He has dark fluffy hair, and eyes that are such a pale blue, that they almost look white. They also have a dark blue line around them He's wearing a tight black T-shirt and black pants. 

"Alyssa?" Dylan asks me. Before I moved to Australia, everyone called me Alyssa. I decided to change things up when I moved, though.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in, like, 3 and a half years! How have you been?"I question.

"I've been good, yeah. I've started this new job and it's so exciting!" Dylan tells me. 

The rest of the night was amazing. We talked for a long time, catching up, and then went back to his place to hook up. It wasn't Luke, but I made do for the night.


This chapter was kinda a filler chapter for what's to come, i just kinda had to set it all up. it's probably pretty boring so sorry about that. and yes, there will be more Luke, don't worry. I hope you like it!


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