Ch. 15 - We're Going On A Quest With Our Hated Companions-

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Thanks to LoverofBooksGal  for voting and commenting, harmonia_rose for doing the former and xpercabeth3000 for the latter and Candy_Katie for doing the former plus adding this book to their list! Thanks cedricloew and femk5000 for adding this book to their list! And dontquit007 for voting! Also thanks to eddi_10_27_06_ for giving me an idea (dm me if y'all want to sponsor time skips, an OC, or part of the plot, anyone is welcome!)

The original couple and the soulmates two,
To gain back their pride with the wine, wisdom's hue.
Uneven numbers must conquer Aldesse,
And feel the pain cast upon the blessed.
Once the apple falls from the tree,
Immortality twists its key.

Hera's POV

I shoved the clothes that Sally gave me into my backpack, then grabbed a few sandwiches off the table and squeezed them inside, barely fitting. I glanced over to Hestia, who was just leaning against the wall, playing with her flames, then to Athena, who was trying to peel apart the sandwich's contents, but failing to recognize.

Demeter was narrowing her eyes at Aphrodite, who was busy packing up her backpack with almost the same things I had done, except she didn't struggle for everything to fit, she simply snapped her fingers and the bag glowed, then the storage inside grew.

I ripped the tape off the sandwich's bag and carefully opened the plastic outside of the food, then I opened my mouth and chewed off a bit. Yanking my bag off the floor, I glanced at my supposed girl quest-mates. "I'm leaving," I declared.

Athena opened her mouth to protest that she wasn't ready, but I cut her off. The Primordials know how much time she wasted trying to prove to everyone that she was still a deity of wisdom by separating a sandwich and naming it's contents.

"I'm not waiting for you. You've wasted enough time performing 'experiments' on your food when you should just eat it like I'm doing right now." I shoved another piece of my sandwich in my mouth and swallowed. "Goodbye."

I slammed the door open and hung the straps of the bag over my shoulder. Skipping the stairs two at a time, I finally reached the first floor where Apollo and Hades were there already, also eating their sandwiches. I sighed. Zeus, Dionysus and Athena gonna be late, like father like daughter and son.

"Y'know what? I don't even want to wait anymore." I swallowed the last piece of my sandwich and crumbled up the plastic, then aimed at the trash can and threw it. The plastic flew into the can perfectly. Nailed it. Wait, why am I thinking this? "Let's just go first."

"How're we gonna get to wherever we're supposed to go?" Apollo's expression turned into nervousness for some reason. "We—we don't have any supplies and—"

Hades slammed his hand over his apparent platonic soulmate's mouth. "Isn't it obvious, little nephew?" Hades heaved a sigh. Regret showed deeply in his voice. "We go to Camp Half-Blood first, to gather supplies, then to Camp Jupiter where hopefully Ella, the harpy can give us advice."

(Let's just say Tyson wanted to help Camp Jupiter improve their armory and stuff, and Ella stayed with him, alright? I honestly don't remember if I merged the camps together, I'm a terrible author)

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