Ch. 4 - Secrets And Lies, Soulmates Bonded

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Thank you TaraLoh for voting and commenting! And eddi_10_27_06_ for voting and commenting as well! Thanks 2minty4u for voting!

Also, I'll probably only update from 4-5 days from now on, due to school. I promise I will never abandon this story, though.

Hades's POV

"Percy and Annabeth, we're attending their wedding. Now." I sighed and turned away from my opposite, hiding a forbidden smile on my pale face. In a second, my facial expressions turned back to normal as I pushed Apollo away. Hurt flashed in his eyes but I ignored it, pain thrumming in my heart.

I learned from Thanatos that there were not only romantic soulmates in this world, but also platonic soulmates. With my luck, I managed to get the most big-headed, attention-seeking, brightest and most popular god. While I was always in the shadows, hiding from all, the darkest Olympian god and one of the most unpopular.

My blood red cape drifted around my shoulders, and my pure black shirt covered my upper arm well enough to hide the mark on my right arm. A loop around my arm was formed with tiny yellow-to-black circles entwined with three ovals woven together*.

How did Thanatos know? He once said to Percy Jackson, Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque that Love and Death weren't that far from each other. The whole truth was that Thanatos and Eros were twins, separated from birth. How the mortals claimed Nyx and Erebus were his parents, I do not know. Death was born was before Darkness and Night were.

Each soulmate, both platonic and romantic, had a mark to represent their mark of friendship or romance. To both the soulmates, the mark was exactly the same. I was betting that Apollo had the same mark that I did, on the same exact spot. And I was ninety-nine percent sure that Percy and Annabeth had the same.

I'll admit, I did enjoy Apollo's company from time to time, but he rarely visited the Underworld. Not like, once a month kind of rarely, or even once a year. It was more like when 'he-needed-something-from-the-Underworld-and-that's-the-reason-he-came-to-visit' kind of rarely.

But right now, as a mortal, well, half-mortal, as Percy blessed me with partial immortality, I needed to concentrate on my priorities, and not on my platonic soulmate. Apollo was probably confused on why I pushed him away, since I've been a lot more accepting since the Primordial War.

I cleared my throat. Eyes snapped onto me. "We should get moving." I gripped my communication amulet to inform my niece, Thalia, that we were ready to go. But instead of just her teleporting here, Thalia, Hermes and Aphrodite appeared. Hermes looked confused while Aphrodite looked excited. Figures.

My head snapped up in interest. "What are you doing here, Hermes? I can understand Aphrodite, I mean, she picks our clothes for the wedding, but I don't understand why you are here?" I was very confused indeed.

Hermes cocked his head to the side and opened his mouth, then closed it again. His pocket dipped lower (don't ask me how I noticed that) and he reached into it, then took out a bunch of envelopes. He handed it to the each of us. "Your wedding invitations, I guess," he said.

Aphrodite squealed, bringing our attention to her. "Time for your outfits!" She beamed, her aura glowing a bright golden color. The world shifted around us and turned into a huge room. Aphrodite skipped around the whole room and called, "Thanks!"

She ripped a door open to reveal a hallway, with even more doors. Each door was labeled with a name, like a yellow one with Zeus, a green one with Demeter, a bronze one with Hephaestus, etc.

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