An Apology

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So...I wanted to start off by saying I'm sorry.

For not updating in a couple months,

For not replying to any of the comments,

For not following the people who voted/commented/added this book to their list,

For not doing anything, to be honest.


I used to think I had writers block.

But now I think I kinda get why some authors never update their books for a few months.

I broke my oath to update once a week.

I guess that's why things are going badly for me.


I'm really sorry, y'all.


I promise I will finish this book, no matter what it takes.

I'm again, very sorry that the plot has gone terribly wrong.

This story....

Honestly, I don't even know what it is anymore.

I owe y'all everything.

And if you guys are willing...can all of y'all who added this book to their list/commented/voted, please comment on this chapter? I will follow every one of you if it helps.

I am again, terribly sorry.

I owe everything to you guys.

If you left long ago, I understand.

I thank you for coming to read this book.

But if not...

Thank you for staying, even if everything has gone wrong.

I thank you all for supporting me before.

I'm sorry for making an empty promise I couldn't fulfill.

I'm sorry for everything.

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