Ch. 18 - Magic Here, Magic There, Magic Everywhere

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Thank you harmonia_rose  for voting! And eddi_10_27_06_ and BlueeCookiess for voting and commenting! Also A_Dam_Name for commenting! L45Y23C78 thank you for adding this book to your list!

And thanks to every one of my readers for giving me 1k+ reads!

Also just a side note, I have no idea how to heal wounds, so everything on this chapter might be incorrect. You're welcome for incorrect medical accuracy.

All that is left of the original spawns,
Traveler's wish and thy forgiven love's run.
Though committed sins to worse of law's cell,
Better latter to former to retrieve the shell.
As worthy of two guide left of four,
May they live forever once more.

Poseidon's POV

"What in Percabeth's name, Rebecca?!" Aphrodite shrieked. The sound traveled brought my brain, shocking me slightly. Styx-me rose up silently, bashing against my head, but I shut it down. Hate was not an option during this quest.

I winced at the sudden loud noise as I removed the water from Hermes' wound. Poison had flowed through his stomach, but I managed to summon it and place it in a container, though the power made me feel sick in my throat. I did not want to do that again, unless extreme circumstances. Now I understood why Annabeth and Percy were both so...conflicted while facing Akhlys.

"Be quiet," I managed to say. Aphrodite opened her mouth again, then closed it when she saw the previous god of traveling writhing on the floor. She nodded in understanding, but turned back to Rebecca, mimicking screaming at her. Rebecca just winked back, twirling her glowing dagger in the air.

Hermes groaned on the dirt floor, and I turned my attention back to him. Hephaestus had been trying to search through his magic tool belt —just like Leo's, or maybe Leo's was just like his, I honestly wasn't sure— to find some medical supplies, and now he handed me some adhesive and duct tape, a small bottle of saline solution and a PainKiller pill.

I took a long look at the duct tape before turning away. "I am not a professional healer, nor am I even to the level of Apollo's healing. Not even Asclepius," I told Hermes quietly. A small jerk of his head motioned he was listening. "But I'll do my best. Prepare for pain in"

I conjured the saline from the bottle and spread it over the wound. To my surprise, Hermes didn't scream or yell in pain or agony, instead just gritted his teeth. I wondered if it was because it didn't hurt that much, or if he was acting brave. Nevertheless, I poured a bit more, then sucked up the saline that dropped to the side of his skin.

I then picked up the roll of adhesive tape and ripped off a piece, sticking it to his wound. One by one, I ripped off piece by piece, slowly sticking up his red wound in a stitching pattern. A warm hand slapped against mine, and I felt a long patch of...something against my skin. I glanced to find Hephaestus handing me a long plant made scarf-thing, while Demeter nodded behind me. I wrapped the plant-thing around Hermes' torso, and nodded my thanks to them both.

Hestia cleared her throat as I helped Hermes stand up. I turned around to see Aphrodite with her hands on her hips, arching an eyebrow at Rebecca. The latter just shrugged —again— in return. Demeter took a long look between the goddess of love and the school-girl, then threw her hands up in defeat.

"What are you doing here, Rebecca?" Hermes questioned, quite dangerously, if I do say so myself. "You aren't supposed to be here. You're supposed to be at school." He lifted a hand to snap his fingers, but Hestia knocked his hand down.

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