Ch. 2 - Ooh, Look, We Meet In This House

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Athena's POV

Sweat trickled down my face as my body shook. I winced as the empousa snapped her teeth at me.

"You shall die, foolish mortal of wisdom!" She hissed, and lunged at me. I managed to evade her attack and thrust my spear upwards, right towards her chest. But she, again, retreated upwards, barely avoiding the tip of my weapon.

It's been going like that for the last five minutes, and both of us were tiring. It seems that my 'group', which included Demeter and Aphrodite, weren't having much luck either. At least, Demeter didn't. Aphrodite was busy having an insult battle with her empousa, more specifically, a 'yo mama' insult battle.

"Well, yo momma's so stupid she climbed over a glass wall to see what was on the other side!" Aphrodite jeered at the empousa, sticking out a thumbs down gesture for the monster.

The empousa gritted her teeth and extended her wings, cracking her neck bones from side to side. "Yo momma is so fat, when she got on the scale it said, 'I need your weight, not your phone number!'" She threw her head back and cackled.

Claws that swiped across my face broke me out of my trance. I tried to jumped back but she managed to rake her claws over my stomach, leaving a red blood pouring out of the wide hole. A grin broke out on her face and she attacked, faster and fiercer.

A snarl escaped from my throat as I met her with equal speed, but I was injured, and I didn't have much strength left. In the background, I could hear Aphrodite saying, "I didn't even have a mom, who you insulting?"

The empousa flew into the air and pounced on me, forcing me to the ground, and pressed on my wound which was getting worse by the second. I cried out in pain and tried to bash her head with my shield, but she immobilized my arm and disarmed me easily. She bared her teeth and a smell of garlic and blood drifted over to me.

"Geez, eat some breath mints," I managed to say, biting my lip in pain. Apparently she didn't like that, 'cause she slapped me across the face with a clean SMACK sound, that was sure to leave a mark.

"Shut up, spawn of Zeus," she hissed, "you're the one at mercy here. And now...I can have some fun with you." She cackled, yet again, the sound sending shivers down my spine. My entire body trembled under the weight of the pain and fear that was washing over me.

In my peripheral vision, I could see Demeter struggling to control the plants to wrap around her empousa, as the empousa kept slashing apart the vines. The monster broke through and jumped Demeter, who blocked with her scythe but still staggered back a few steps. Time seemed to slow down as they held that position for a few seconds.

Meanwhile, Aphrodite seemed to actually have progress with her empousa. I had never knew what weapon she would use during battle, but now I knew. In the ex-love goddess's hands were two entirely pink machine guns, and she was firing them rapidly, while charmspeaking the empousa into being confused for a second or two, just enough time for her to injure the empousa.

Back to the present. The empousa's breath lingered on my neck as her eyes met mine, burning with lust and hunger. She reached out and flicked my hair away. The empousa's teeth stretched out and she leaned forward. The tips of her fangs grazed my neck and—

The spell snapped. The empousa's eyes widened as she froze, unable to do anything anymore. Her wings stopped flapping in midair and her flaming hair flickered, as her glowing red eyes darted around in panic.

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