Chapter 41

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"Daddy's home!" Charmaine darts from her room and heads straight for the front door

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"Daddy's home!" Charmaine darts from her room and heads straight for the front door.

"Charmaine be careful" Sydney hated when she ran through the house. She could easily slip and fall. The last thing Sydney wanted was her baby hurt.

Sydney lifts Kingston off the changing table and headed towards the door herself. Kingston rested against his momma's chest while pulling at her hair.

"King. Let's down pull mommas hair today" when Sydney finally got her hair losses from Kingston's death grip Ink walks in. Charmaine jumped onto him instantly.

"My baby girl" Ink drops his bag just in time to catch her. He wraps his arms around her tiny body and squeezes her gently.

"Don't leave Kingston out" Sydney jokes knowing that would never happen. Ink loved his babies equally and spoiled them both rotten.

"Of course not, let me see my big boy" Ink moves Charmaine to one side so he could hold Kingston on the other side. He placed a few kisses on Kingston's cheek making the baby grin.

Sydney loved to see them all together. The smile on their face made her feel like everything was perfect.

"Yah know. Haisley keeps asking me about the wedding."

Ink and Sydney  |T.W #2|Where stories live. Discover now