The River Café

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"Beau!" My boss calls out for me from the inside of his office. I couldn't quite decipher the tone he used specifically, but it sounded stressed with a mixture of happy? I stand up from my desk, walk past my friends and get to Mr. Roberts office. He was sitting behind his desk while reading some papers he had in his hand, when he sees me he asks me to come in and sit.

"Yes?" I queried, a bit nervous as to what this was about. Clearly it couldn't be anything having to do with me. I mean, I take pride in my accomplishments and I've accomplished so much with this job, and I like to think I'm doing pretty well. I watch as Mr. Roberts smiles at me.

"Beau, you've been with us for about a month, right?" I nod. "Your job was to find someone willing to be a part of this magazine. How you were planning on doing that was beyond me," he states and I look down onto his desk, thinking Harry might've forgotten. "But I didn't expect you to find the most successful businessman for this." He puts a magazine in front of me of a middle aged man for the cover of VOGUE. "Joseph Fox—who would've thought that our little Beau would accomplish such a goal?"

I take a second to react, I wasn't sure I had ever heard of this man before but I'm sure this was all Harry's doing. "H-how?" I stutter. "I mean—"

"Well we couldn't believe it ourselves when we got the email. It's going to be a collaboration with his son which he's never done before, the email said this is his last project before he retires, so we've got to do this big." I was still at loss for words. Harry didn't exactly say anything to me, well not like he says anything at all but I mean I expected a text from him. This totally caught me off guard. "I won't hold up anymore of your time. You are excused."

With one last grin towards me, I stand up and leave his office and return to my desk where I pull out my phone.

I don't know how you did it, but my boss just praised me for getting someone really important on the team. I didn't want to take credit so I said nothing, but thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me, Harry.

I sent out the text and sit back on my chair in awe, looking at my computer screen for a second before I receive a text back.

You can thank me by having dinner with me tonight at 9 pm. Your success counts for a toast. x

"You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth, who's got you smiling like that?" Leah taunts, jabbing her elbow on me making me look up. "Boyfriend?"

I quickly lose my smile, realizing that William and I hadn't exactly talked in about a week, I should call him. "No," I say.

"Hmm," she hums. "Could've fooled me. I overheard Dave talking to you, nice job on getting New York's businessman to affiliate himself with us."

"When you say overheard, do you mean eavesdrop?" I jeer.

"It's a blessing that I'm interested enough to do so," she laughs. "But honestly, most of us have been here for years and not one has done something like that. Who are you sleeping with?" She squints her eyes at me playfully.

"Nobody," I shake my head. "I've just made some really great friends since I've been here." My mind goes to Harry. Leah nods at me before she turns around to work on whatever it is she's doing which leaves me to do my work. After work, I make it my mission to go grocery shopping to the nearest store. I've been craving sushi so I stop at a Korean store on my way home and just as I was going towards the frozen section, I am met with a red headed Nes.

I take in her high waisted jeans, her glossy red boots and open button up shirt that revealed a red bra. "Oh, it's you." She says, her face plain making me nod and grab some ice cream. As I'm about to leave the isle to grab what I needed, she speaks again. "So what's your deal with Harry?"

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