Use your words, Angel

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William has been trying to contact me for over a week now, but obviously I am still very much upset over his whole comment. After work, I have been going for runs to get my head away from those thoughts and mainly just to relax. I felt such a weight being lifted from my shoulders now that William and I aren't together. Harry had been silent since that night when I almost kissed him, thinking back to it now I must've looked so desperate. I am not getting in a relationship anytime soon, I want time for myself and myself only.

Harry was right, I was vulnerable and I know if I had kissed him I would've regretted it in the morning. It was currently Friday afternoon and I had just gotten home from my run at Central Park. It had been a while since I took a bath and relaxed, it was always showers for me so I added salts and bubbles to my water and went in. I must've been too tired because the ringing noise of my phone woke me up and I realized that I could've drowned myself. "Hello?" I didn't check the caller ID, I actually expected it to be Harry but it's Darien.

"Hi, are you busy?" She says and I look around the tub, the water was cold already and there were no more bubbles.

"Um," I begin. "No, I was actually just about to put on a movie—"

"It's so great you aren't doing anything," she interjects. "We're all going to Colson's club, I assume he told you about it?"


"That's the one! Anyway, you definitely need to come with us, it'll be fun."

"Darien, we have different definitions of fun." I point out.

"Come on!" She whines. "We're gonna be there at around ten-ish, I better see you there!" I heard laughter in the background of her call. "Okay, I've got to go, I'm shopping for a new outfit, call me when you get there, bye!" When the line goes dead, I drop my phone on the floor and groan, standing up from the tub and turning on the shower head to clean myself.

I hadn't been to a club in so long, since I got with William actually. I used to have my life planned out. William and I would've got engaged by twenty-five, move in together, work and have a baby, maybe at around twenty-nine. Of course it wasn't thought out perfectly but I certainly didn't picture myself waisting my life being single at age twenty-five.

I slip on some new lingerie that I had bought for William to see me in, but since nobody is seeing me in it anytime soon I might as well wear it for myself. The material is lace and it is a deep red. For clothes, I settle on a black satin dress that hugs my curves the way it's intended to. When my bra strap seeps out of the material I decide I should go without one so I toss it on my bed. William would've freaked out if he ever saw me getting ready to go out into public without a bra underneath.

I decide on doing something new with my hair and just put it in a high ponytail, slicking it back with coconut oil, I adorn my neck with a golden necklace and spritz some perfume on myself before I am walking towards the front door and right as I'm about to open it, there are some knocks and when I open, Harry is there.

"Hey, I—" he stops his sentence when he sees me. "Did I catch you at a bad time?" He is taken aback, probably because I'm always in lazy clothes whenever I open my door.

"Well, kind of," I say. "I was just about to leave to Colson's nightclub, Darien wants me to go with them for the night and I figured since I didn't have anything better to do I might as well." Harry nods. "Did you need something though?"

"No," he says. "Well, actually yeah—I was just going to offer to drive you myself since I'm going as well."

"It's not a big deal, I can drive—"

"Beau, I told you I don't beg. Come on, it's no problem for me." He offers a faint smile. I nod and place my car keys back in the bowl and lock my door. When I turn back, I catch Harry watching me. "You look beautiful, by the way."

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