Chicken Florentine Pasta

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Harry called the night quits as soon as it was midnight, we had finished the bottle of wine and ate the food—most of which he picked at and so did I. The air around us was thick with mystery, I was having dinner: a dinner that was meant for my boyfriend and I, with a man I've only ever seen about four times. The most I know about him is his name, I guess this city brings it out in me.

I've never been shy, but somehow this man makes my mouth lose all sort of conversation and I blush every time he stares at me for too long.

It was currently two in the morning and I still wasn't tired. William texted me last two hours ago and I was currently sitting in my empty kitchen table in silence. I really did hate being alone in this big city. When I decided that it was time that I call it a night, I go into my bedroom where I remove my clothes and fall into a deep slumber.

The next morning, I wake up at around twelve. Considering it's Saturday there wasn't much for me to do except go grocery shopping and finish decorating my apartment so I did just that. I changed into some skinny jeans, a white shirt and my flats before I headed out to the store.

I bought the essentials—in my case, that being frozen foods I could easily put into the oven or microwave. I also bought a new bottle of wine and water before I decided it was time I headed home to begin my decorating process.

I balanced my groceries in my tote bag as I rode the elevator to my apartment. I was glad the grocery store was close to where I lived, it was honestly so helpful. I dig for my keys in my bag as I make my walk towards my door and as soon as I opened it, a voice behind me startles me. "Beau!" It was Darien, a grin on her face as she walked towards me. "Hi!"

"Hi, Darien." I greet her and she catches me off guard as she kisses both my cheeks like last night. I would have to get used to that. "You look nice." I comment, seeing her outfit. White skinny jeans, a button up sheer pink blouse and some black heels. Her hair was pin up neatly.

"Thank you, I'm actually on my way to the mall. Would you care to join?" She asks and I immediately shake my head no.

"I can't, I have errands to run." I say keeping it short, hoping she doesn't pry like last night. I wasn't trying to be rude and make it seem like I didn't want to hang out with her, she was nice and so were her friends...I just really wanted to spend some alone time, eating frozen food and drinking wine while I decorate my apartment.

"Okay," she huffs. "But you can't keep avoiding me forever. I'm just two doors down." Darien points at me playfully. "I hope Harry didn't give you a hard time last night?"

I shake my head. "Oh, not at all."

"I know he can be a little...insufferable, but that's just the way he is. He doesn't mean any harm, he's actually pretty nice." She explains and I wave her off. Harry wasn't rude to me, sure he was a bit intrusive and curious but that's really all I had to say other than the fact that he seemed to be more aloof than when we first met.

I know he doesn't live in the building, he told me so himself, but I wondered why he kept showing up here almost every other day. "Do you know who lives in 368?" I question without actually wanting to.

Darien looks from me to the door in front of mine before she turns back to me. "Just someone Harry's sleeping with," she shrugs. "We've been friends with him for about two years, but the man keeps to himself quite a lot." I nod along. "Anyways, I'll see you around, okay?" She bids her goodbyes and with one last happy grin, she walks away.

I liked Darien, she was such a happy person and her energy made me feel all warm inside.

I make sure I put all the groceries away before I preheat the oven to make my frozen pizza for dinner. I connect my Bluetooth to my speaker, play my playlist while I begin to move things around. I hope my downstairs neighbors don't hear all the scraping of furniture that I'm currently moving around, I've gotten so much noise complaints already. Time seems to fly by and I'm enjoying every single second of it, cleaning was so therapeutic for me, I could be the most exhausted but as soon as I clean, I forget all about it.

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