To my Only Angel -H

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Auction day.

I get to see him today and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, fuck knows I am. I went with no makeup to the casino, the bathroom was filled with beautiful women and it smelled like a tropical island here with all the different fruit scented perfumes. The morning went by in a blur, we got complimentary breakfast sent in by Joseph Fox and I wasn't going to lie, I had about three mimosas to calm the nerves.

I sat in a chair, looking at my dress still in the protective plastic bag. It was a rental, so I had to have it back by eleven the next morning. It's strapless with a plunging neckline, the torso area was a corset so it hugs my curves and it was white with diamonds around the torso area. It looked straight off the red carpet, but I was glad I chose this one seeing the models and their expensive looking dresses. Gucci, Versace and mine from a corner shop that rents out wedding dresses for last minute. Of course this wasn't so much of a wedding dress considered how provocative it looked.

And not to mention it was only $80 to have it for a day, so a steal.

I had also gotten a pretty tennis bracelet that matched the dress, but I already had that one in my possession. Just as I was about to finish my makeup, there's a knock on the door and of course it was Mr. Roberts. I was starting to wonder if he only took this job to gawk at the models because he just strutted in here not caring that some women were changing.

He held something in his hand, a box. "Beau, I've got this for you, it was dropped off. Cartier. "It doesn't say from who."

I know exactly from who. "Thank you," I say and he nods before he looks around and walks away. Oh Harry, how predictable you are. When I open the box, there's a note inside.

To my Only Angel. - H. x

When I remove the card, I am almost blinded by the diamonds. If there was ever a time I was star struck it was today. The necklace was cold to the touch and on each cascading line of diamonds was an emerald rock that reminded me of the shade of Harry's eyes. Followed by that were a pair of earrings which I thought I wasn't going to wear but I noticed they were clip ons. This brought me back to the time when Harry showed up at my door with a diamond earring, asking if it belonged to me but I let him know that I didn't have my ears pierced. He must've remembered.

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