In high tide or low tide, I'll be by your side

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"Hey, Beau I need that column in my desk by the end of the day, alright?" Mr. Roberts pops his head in my office, he held a smile on his lips and I nod.

"I'll make sure of that." I respond, he gives me a thumbs up before walking away. I was behind my computer, my fingers typing away at the keyboard as I intended to finish the column I was working on. Two hours flew by before it was time for lunch, I figured if I needed to actually finish this I should skip lunch today and keep focused, but I wasn't counting on Harry to barge in my office like he owned the place. "What are you doing here?" I question, confused as to why he was here.

"I'm taking you to lunch." He says. "Get your things."

"No." I remark. "I have a deadline, I need to finish—"

"I wasn't asking." His gaze darkens and his voice is threatening. "Let's go, you can finish later."

"I don't think you're understanding—"

"And I don't think you're listening." He comes closer to where I can actually smell his cologne. We stay this way for a while and before I am able to reply back to Harry to say that he shouldn't boss me around, Mr. Roberts comes by.

"Hey, Beau—oh, Mr. Styles, I didn't know you'd be coming around?"

"I'm just here to take Beau for lunch, I need to discuss my schedule with her for when it's acceptable to do this interview." Harry lies, given his lie has something to do with the company I reckon Mr. Roberts won't let me stay.

"Beau, what are you still doing here? Please, you can have the rest of the day off if you'd like."

"Oh, no that won't be necessary—"

"I think it'd be ideal. Thank you, I will be mentioning your cooperation with my father." Mr. Roberts smiles before walking away. Harry turns and he sees my angry face.

"Why are you doing this?" I grit. "I have to work, I can't take hours out of my day just to please you."

"But I can." Harry says, grabs my coat and walks towards the door. "I'll be waiting." I sigh in annoyance as soon as he leaves my office. He seemed annoyed too, and I know that I can't stay back now that he's here and Mr. Roberts gave me the day off, all thanks to Harry. I curse him under my breath, save my progress and shut down my computer before leaving.

Once I make it outside, Harry is by his car on his phone. "I don't know if you've noticed," I begin. "But I don't have the luxury of missing work just to have lunch with you. I pay rent and I can't pay it if I don't work."

He opens the door for me but doesn't say anything, in fact he doesn't really say much as he drives us to a nearby restaurant. I don't know why he even bothered to take me to lunch if he wasn't going to speak to me. Once inside, we make our way to a table out in the terrace where there's a couple of people but not as many as there is inside. "I don't even know what I'm going to do all day now that I can't go back to work because of you—"

"What the hell was that last night?" He interjects making me stop fumbling with my purse. I cock an eyebrow. "You think I'm crazy?"

He means our texts. "With you sending me a contract to sign that indicates I should sell my rights over to you? Yeah, I kinda get a hunch."

Harry rolls his eyes. "I'm not asking you to sign it if you don't want to."

"But you want me to, Harry. And I don't understand how you want me to put this, but I'm not single. I've told you so before. Why don't you just find yourself someone else?"

Harry clenches his jaw and lets out a breath. "How is that even a relationship if you don't see each other?" He remarks.

"Harry, if you just brought me here to discuss my relationship with you, I am not up for this."

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