Roku's Island

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"Guys, we have to make a small detour today," Aang told us as the we sat in a circle eating breakfast.

"Why? We just stopped for supplies yesterday," Katara said.

"I had a dream last night. Avatar Roku visited me."

I looked at Sokka for clarification. He waved his hand and didn't meet my gaze. "Avatar stuff."

"I need to go to his home island. And we need to get there by the solstice."

"We better hurry," Katara answered. "The solstice is today."

We packed up camp and hopped aboard Appa. My stomach churned as we took off, and I clutched me knees to my chest.

"Does this...Avatar stuff happen a lot?" I asked Toph.

Toph shrugged. "I'm only here to teach Twinkle-Toes earthbending. I don't know about all that."

We rode in silence. Aang bended a large cloud around Appa to conceal him from Fire Nation folk below. After several hours of flying, some bathroom breaks, and many panic attacks from me, we flew down to a crescent-shaped island..

"This Roku's home island. I saw it in my dream," Aang said as we landed.

"...But, there's nothing here," I said as I scrambled down from Appa.

Toph jumped off Appa's saddle. "Yes there is. Hundreds of houses, all completely covered in ash."

I looked at the ground. Was it disrespectful to be walking on top of this? If there were houses below there were probably bodies too. My stomach churned at the thought.

Aang went to an ash covered-cliff that jutted out over the ocean. I was curious about what was going to happen. I suspects that we'd see Aang's spirit leave his body and soar over the ocean to the spirit world. Boy, was I wrong.

"Oh crap!" Aang's tattoos had started glowing brightly. I took a step back and lost my balance, falling on my butt. I blushed deeply as they started laughing. Katara stuck her hand out and pulled me up, still laughing.

"Come on," she beckoned me. "We can work on some waterbending while we wait for Aang."

I followed her down to the ocean. The sun was dipping down beneath the waves, sending a bloodred light across the sea. I stepped into the cold waters and shivered. Katara stood next to me and smiled. "Think fast!"

She sent a wave of water flying at me. Instead of bending it away, I dove underneath the water as it ripped over me. With a flick of my legs, I swam in a wide arc around Katara, coming up behind her. I grabbed her ankles and felt her splash down next to me. I stood up and laughed. Katara sat up, spluttering and coughing.

"That was dirty," she said.

"All's fair in battle," I snickered. Katara smiled maliciously. She moved so quickly I barely registered what she was doing. I watched in astonishment as she created a water spout around her self and hefted her body out of the ocean. She towered over me on her water. Grinning, she landed back in the ocean and moved the spout so that it surrounded the two of us in a ring of water.

I shoved my hand into the spout and sent it flying away. I froze the water surrounding Katara's ankles to she couldn't move. I spun the ice so she lost her balance and fell over. Katara melted the ice with a flock of her wrist and shot a wave of water at me. I found myself being lifted out of the sea and set onto a spike of ice. Katara put her hands on her hips and smiled up at me.

"How's the view?"

"A little unfair!" I called back down. Katara melted the ice and set me back into the ground gently.

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