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Two days spent in near silence.

Our journey was for the most part uninterrupted. A few times we had to hide in the woods from soldiers, but it was mainly clear.

"These roads are pretty untraveled," Alena told us. "There aren't any cities near here for people to come to."

Two days later, we came to a river. It was at least twenty feet across, and the water was a swirling white torrent.

Alena looked at me. "It's right across this river. Think you can get us across?"

I looked at the water. It would be hard, but I could do it. I nodded

"Everyone stay close to me," I said.

I stepped into the edge of the river. The water tugged at my ankles, but I barely felt it. I'd barely felt anything these past feed days.

Waving my arms, I diverted the water around a space large enough for all of us to fit into. I gestured for everyone to come, maintaining the diversion.

It wasn't bad until we got near the middle. There, the current was pushing so strongly against me I had to was biting my lip from exertion. Sweat had broken out around my hairline.

"Badger, are you okay?" Koza asked.

I didn't answer, fearing speaking would break my concentration and we would all be swept away by the current.

We were only a few feet from the bank. The last stretch had a treacherous ground. The amount of rocks protruding from the ground was dangerous; any wrong step could result in falling. Falling for me meant drowning for everyone.

Suddenly Raiko cried out. Koza and Kuzira both yelled out his name. I spun around, forgetting about the water I was holding back.

The wave crashes into all of us.

I was sent under, spinning and thrashing so much I couldn't get a hold of my bending. I slammed into rocks and was dragged along the bottom. As my vision faded, I remember thinking a waterbender killer by drowning. How ironic.

Suddenly I felt the water around me thicken. I slowed to a stop in the water and felt myself being lifted. My head broke thorough the surface, some invisible force pulling me up. I gasped for breath and managed to bend myself into the river bed.

Coughing and hacking, I looked around desperately for my friends.

"Stay still," a voice commanded.

"Koza and Kuzira-" I coughed.

"They're fine," the voice said, now just slightly annoyed. "Sit down child, for spirit's sake."

There was an unpleasant sensation in my stomach, like a snake was writhing around down there. I felt something rising to my throat and thought it was vomit, but instead a tentacle of water snaked out of my mouth. I began coughing again but could create much easier.

"That should do it. Now, who are you?"

I looked up at the man who'd saved me. He had a weathered, stern face and piercing blue eyes. His hair was white and long, and he had a mustache that could rival Koza's. He wore blue robes with white designs on them. Lotus flower designs.

"You're with the White Lotus?" I coughed

He narrowed his eyes, but didn't say anything.

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