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"Hey, check this out," Raiko said. He pulled something down off the wall of a building and showed it to me.

It was a poster of the Fire Nation prince, Zuko. I read the poster and gasped.

"He's been banished," I said. "We citizens aren't supposed to treat him as royalty if we ever see him."

"Does it say why?" Raiko asked.
I shook my head. The picture of the prince glared up at me from the paper. What could a prince possibly do to get himself banished?

"Sucks for the poor guy," I said to Raiko as we made our way back to the hideout.

Raiko frowned. "He's a son of the Fire Lord. If it was bad enough to get banished by Ozai's standards, then Zuko probably did something awful."

"Even so, being banished by your own father?"

"Yeah kids, it's a real shame."

The voice came from behind us. I saw the horror in Raiko's face as he registered it. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from it without even turning around. We only made it a couple yards before two large thugs stepped out in front of us. They glared down at is with terrifying expressions.

"Going so soon?" One asked.
I opened the water pouch I'd kept on my hips ever since I'd discovered my ability three weeks ago. In a quick motion, I slammed my hand forward, bringing with it a stream of water. This was the only move I'd been able to perform, but to my dismay, it wasn't that strong. It hit the man, but it only seemed to tick him off.

Raiko let loose a torrent of white-hot flames from us fist. The men intercepted it easily and ran towards us. I tried to dodge, but was grabbed from behind. The water pouch was ripped off me and thrown on the ground, spilling the water everywhere. I yanked my hand free and froze it, sending the man holding me flying backwards.

I pulled away and ran to help Raiko, who was now trying to fight off two men. I jumped onto one's back and slung my arm around his neck, yanking backwards. He backed me up into a wall and slammed me onto it. I slid down, my vision growing fuzzy. Raiko yelled my name, but I couldn't respond. I tried to stand, but I could feel myself slipping into darkness. I reached out at the fuzzy form of a struggling Raiko before all I saw was black.


"I don't know if I'm going to send the note. Take a lock of her hair just in case to prove we have them. Quickly! Before she wakes up."

I felt a dull tug on my hair. I tried to open my eyes, but as I did the pain in my head became sharper. Instead I fell back into darkness.

When I came around the second time, it was for good. I sat up, attempting to ignore the throbbing in my skull. I touched it and when my hand came back it was red.

A little panicked now, I checked my surroundings. I was in some sort of prison. Half of the room was my cell, and the other half looked like some sort of meeting room. There was an empty table with a bottle of some liquid in it.

My mouth was parched. I tried to bend some of the liquid over to me, but it just sloshed onto the table. I gave up, too tired to try again.

I heard a groan coming from the other side of the cell. I looked up and gasped. It was Raiko, looking even more beat up than I felt. His eye was black with bruises, and the same covered his body. He had several scratches and what looked like minor burns. I rushed over to him.

"Raiko?" I gently took his face in my hands. "Raiko wake up."

My friend groaned and his eyes fluttered open. He managed a small smile and said,"you look awful."

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