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About a week before it happened, I learned about the invasion my siblings were planning against the Fire Nation.

Yeah, somehow they forgot to tell me that on the day of the upcoming eclipse, the firebenders of this nation would be totally defenseless, the source of their power blocked out by the moon. I mean it was the whole reason they were even hiding out here and they still didn't tell me. No I was not bitter.

The day they miraculously remembered I just kind of looked at them, thinking that any minute they would tell me it was a joke. When I realized they were serious, I sighed.

"You do realize I have like, thirty more guys who can help us, right?"

That was how I returned to the City of Outcasts for the first time in a long time. I hadn't seen Raiko or the others since I joined Team Avatar, and that was a weeks ago. I was crazy excited to see them, even if it was mostly to ask
for a big favor.

"Are you sure we can trust these people?" Katara asked me as we flew in towards the city. "I mean, they are Fire Nation."

I grinned. "Katara, I have screwed up so many things for the Fire Nation with these people. They're completely trustworthy."

We landed outside the city. Appa and Momo stayed hidden in the forest while the rest of us approached the wall that surrounded it. The others gave me a strange look when I put on a cloak to cover myself, despite the warm

"I may or may not be a wanted criminal here," I told them.


"Just act natural," I said. "The hideout isn't too far from the side entrance."

As we came inside, I couldn't help but grinning from ear-to-ear. I didn't realize how much I missed this place. Without waiting for the others, I began running to the secret entrance. As I passed an alley, a hand suddenly gripped my wrist and pulled me inside. I heard my siblings call my name as I disappeared inside.

My attacker had my arms pinned to my side. They leaned down and whispered in my ear. "There's a bounty on your head, you know. It'd be a shame if I happened to stumble across the guards with you in my custody."

I breathed a sigh of relief at the voice. "Very funny, Koza."

Laughing, my mustachioed friend released me from his grip. At that moment, the others appeared around the corner, ready to fight my captor.

"Let her go!" Sokka yelled.

I began laughing. "Guys, it's okay! This is Koza, one of the leaders in the City of Outcasts."

"Who are these friendly folks?" Koza asked me.

I grinned. "Koza, this is my brother and sister and some friends."

Koza's face lit up. "Holy spirits, Badger! You found your family? That's wonderful!"

I grinned. "And they're traveling with someone who I think Hikura would be interested in talking to."

"Really? Who?"

I shared a look with Aang and glanced around cautiously. "We shouldn't talk out here. Can we go back to the hideout?"

Koza nodded. "Of course. Lead the way."

All of us exited the alleyway. My friends gave me some weird looks, and I smiled back. When I showed them the secret entrance, all of them were shocked except for Toph. She just shrugged and said, "I felt it when we landed."

As we came into the giant cavern, Koza boomed in his incredibly loud voice, "Badger is back, everyone!"

There weren't that many people in the commons area, but one was the person I'd been looking forward to seeing the most.

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