Last Stand

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"See any sign of them?"

"Not since you asked five seconds ago,"
Raiko answered.

I groaned and flopped against the roof we were sitting on. "Stakeouts are the worst!"

"Just sit still and think about sword fighting and butterflies, whatever girls think about."

I lifted my head to look at him. "Am I the only girl under the age of fifteen you've ever had contact with?"

Raiko didn't answer and looked out over the buildings. His silence was response enough. I laughed and continued searching.

Since our first attack five weeks ago, there had been three more on the village. We had managed to stop them, but each time we were faced with a bigger army. We were expecting a large invasion force to come any day now. Some of our friends from the White Lotus had shown up to help in case we were overwhelmed, consisting of two talented women named Jinzae and her sister Sachi. Twins born in the upper class of the Fire Nation, both grew up disgusted with the war and wanted to help end it. Luckily, they stumbled across the White Lotus and were welcomed as members. Now, after five years of service, they were here and ready to assist us.

"How's it going up here?" I nearly jumped out of my skin as Jinzae appeared next to me. I had learned within a couple days of their arrival that Jinzae and Sachi could move like the shadows. Quiet and quick, I never knew where they were going to pop up.

"Boring," I replied. "The most exciting thing that has happened was when some kids threw rocks at us."


Raiko laughed. "Just so happens that kids was me throwing rocks at her."

"It was you?" I said in disbelief. I could've sworn the rocks were coming from below. They didn't hurt, they were just sort of a nuisance.

Raiko chuckled and looked out over the horizon. Then his smile faltered. "Get the others. We've got company."

I stood up and followed his gaze. What I saw made my stomach wrench. At least four dozen soldiers marched down the side of the hill, equipped in full armor, weapons drawn. Behind them were four large carriages being pulled by...

"Komodo-rhinos," Raiko said grimly. "They mean business."

"Let's go! We have to get these people to safety." Raiko and I slid off the side of the building. Jinzae was already gone.

Raiko and I ran through the streets, telling people to get inside and stay quiet. Since we'd come, the villagers had learned to trust us and do what we say. Even people with homes opened their doors for those without if we asked. Since it was such a small population, it wasn't hard to get most people inside behind locked doors.

The two of us met up with everyone else. They were all listening to Jinzae and Sachi.

"We should split up into smaller groups," Sachi said. "They'll be expecting us to attack as one."

"Plus, with everyone indoors, they'll have to split up to search for people," Jinzae added.

"We need to take the soldiers out one at a time. We can't approach them head-on, or we'll lose and these people will be taken," Sachi said finally.

"And from the looks of all the carriages they brought, they plan to take a big load," I said solemnly.

"Alright, everyone good with that plan?" We all nodded. "Alright. Scream for backup if you need it."

We nodded and dispersed. Raiko and I pulled ourselves on top of the nearest building and moved to a spot close to the center of the town. With all the running lately, it was getting easier to use my leg. It still hurt, and I was slower than everyone else, but I could get to where I needed to go.

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