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After running for a few minutes, the man led me into an alley. I doubled over panting. My lungs felt like they were about to burst and my knees shook from sprinting so hard. I was really out of shape.

The man began laughing. "The look on his face! When he threatened you with becoming an enemy, he looked so sure of himself, then you said no and-" he laughed so hard he started wheezing. Then he looked back at me. "I'm Koza. I never had the pleasure if receiving your name."

As he said this, he pulled the large sword at his side out of its sheath. Before I could move, he cut through the chains on my hands like they were butter.

"Name's Badger," I replied, rubbing my wrists.,, "Thanks for saving me back there."

"I watched you wiggle your way through those cage bars. Dumb idiot didn't even notice until those foolish men started cheering."

Koza beckoned for me to follow him. We walked along the streets, nodding to the occasional man or women. All the people here clearly came from hard lives. They wore threadbare clothing, guarded expressions, and walked with haste as though they feared being attacked. Which probably wasn't far off. I saw several men give me looks, but went on their ways when they noticed Koza walking beside me.

Finally, Koza led me into yet another dark alley. This one had several boxes piled against the dead end. Koza led me to one particularly large box. He shoved it aside to reveal a sloping tunnel. Without hesitation, he plunged in. And I had no choice but to follow him.

It total and utter darkness, especially when Koza pulled the box back over the hole.

"Should I be concerned right now?" I asked. Part of me was joking, but most of me was serious. I'd just blindly followed this guy into the dark. For all I knew, as soon as we got deeper into the tunnel he would kill me. Or worse. I almost considered going back, but I hesitated. If this guy was going to kill me, he could've left me to go with Lee. Instead he knocked him out and helped me escape. In my gut I had a feeling he was a trustworthy man.

I was led down the tunnel. I had no light and only my feet and the walls to guide me. I stumbled after Koza, hoping for some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. Just as I thought it was never going to end, we stepped into a dim light. However, after the darkness if the tunnel, it felt like I was staring into the sun.

After my eyes adjusted, I realized we were in a huge cavern. I could barely see the other side. More tunnels branched off at uneven intervals along the wall. People milled around, carrying supplies, laughing together, and having a good time. Just standing there made me feel safe and happy.

"What is this place?" I asked Koza.

He smiled proudly. "Welcome to the City of Outcasts, the unofficial home of Fire Nation castaways."

"Castaways in what way?"

Koza shrugged. "A lot of things. Some people are homeless from the war invasions and had nowhere else to go. Most people aren't exactly...compatible with the people higher up on the social scale."

"Criminals?" I guessed.

" We prefer to think of ourselves as vigilantes." I whipped around to find a large woman standing over me. She was clothed in a worn tunic and cloak, and had a bright, young face and generous figure. Immediately I liked her. Her face, though dirty and covered in grime and dirt, had a large smile and bright brown eyes. "You our newest member?"

I shrugged. "I guess. Koza brought me here after a run-in with a lieutenant."

The woman laughed. "A lieutenant got involved? For such a young one, you are pretty high up the spectrum. How old are you, anyway?"

I shook my head. "I'm not sure, exactly. Apparently I was about two when I was brought to the place I used to live. So I'm about ten years old."

She whistles. "And you've already got the military after you? I'm impressed."

I yawned and the woman laughed. "Koza, maybe you should take her to an empty room. Our new member looks a little tired."

As soon as she said that, I realized how tired I was. It been an exhausting day, emotionally and physically. Koza put his hand on my shoulder and led me down one of the tunnels. I vaguely remember him saying something about where the dining area was for in the morning, and something about school. I barely heard him I was so tired.

Koza showed me to a bedroom. I didn't stop to look around, I just collapsed on the mat and pulled the thin blanket around myself. I remember falling asleep with a smile on my face.

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