The Battle of Ba Sing Se

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"Raiko, wake up."

I lightly shook my sleeping friend's shoulder. His eyes slowly drifted open and he brushed his dark hair out of his eyes.

"What is it?"

"I can't sleep. Will you walk with me?"

Raiko smiled. "Sure. Let's go."

We crawled out of the tent and into the night. The stars above illuminated our pathway as we made our way out of the camp.

"I'm sorry I woke you up," I said. "We both need our sleep tonight."

Raiko smiled sleepily. "It's no problem. Some morning yoga will make me all fine and perky tomorrow morning."

I snorted. "Hard to imagine someone as 'perky' as they charge into an invasion."

We'd been at the campsite for a week, waiting for other members of the White Lotus to make their way here. Already the numbers had doubled since Raiko and I had arrived. And tomorrow was the big day.

"You nervous?" Raiko asked me.

I nodded. "War never gets any less terrifying, no matter how many battles you've fought."

We walked for a while in silence. I enjoyed the feeling of the cool grass against my feet. I relished every calm moment. I knew very well tomorrow could end in...

Well, I didn't enjoy thinking about it.

Raiko suddenly grabbed my wrist. I jumped backwards, instinctively putting my fists up in a defensive position. Raiko pointed at the dark figures of several people darting into the woods. Upon further inspection, I recognized Pakku, Piandao, my old acquaintance Jeong Jeong, and Bumi, the former king of the Earth Kingdom city Omashu. He was both incredibly wise, and incredibly insane. Apparently he was friends with Aang. Like, before Aang ran away from the Air Nomads.

He was really old.

Raiko and I barely glanced at each other before dashing after them. I'd discovered the past weeks that in the thick forested area, I could take a whole lot of strain off my leg by using the low-hanging branches to pull myself forward. I had no problem keeping up with Raiko.

The four masters seemed to be following Jeong Jeong, who I knew was on guard duty that night. I wondered what he'd found.

Soon the four of them approached a wall. I had no idea what this wall was for. Probably the defense of an old town that the Fire Nation had burned into nothingness. The wall itself was old and crumbling, it's base surrounded by huge chunks of fallen pieces.

"I bet whatever Jeong Jeong found is on the other side of that," Raiko whispered.

"Sounds like we've got some followers," I heard Bumi cackle to himself. Before I realized what was happening, I felt the ground beneath me slide forward. Raiko and I both yelped in shock as Bumi bender us in front of the group. None of them looked amused.

"Lovely night for a walk," I said softly.

Piandao sighed and rolled his eyes. "At least you brought a sword."

The four of us clambered up a tall pile of rocks that blocked a gap in the wall to overlook whatever was on the other side.

It was too dark to see, but I could make out the shape of four people and two odd lumps.

Suddenly one of the people below jolted upright, and yelled, "hey!"

Jeong Jeong surrounded them in a ring of flame to contain any attacks they might throw at us. The flames illuminated the people below us, and when it did, my jaw dropped.

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