A New Era

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"I'm going to rip this within a week," I said as I examined my new White Lotus robes.

"Hopefully you won't have too many more battles to heighten that chance," Raiko said. "Can you help me out?"

I tied Raiko's robes properly, as his injuries still hindered him. My own weren't too bad; burns, cuts and bruises. The usual.

As I tied the knot, Raiko pressed his lips to my forehead. I smiled.

"You're going to make me mess it up," I teased.

"Worth it," he grinned.

It had been a day since the Battle of Ba Sing Se. A day since Aang had rendered the Fire Lord defenseless by removing his bending. A day since Zuko had defeated Azula and claimed his spot on the throne. A day since Raiko and I kissed.

Today was Zuko's official coronation as Fire Lord. The Hundred Year War was over. There was an era of peace approaching.

Raiko and I had been officially welcomed into the White Lotus ranks the day before. The two of us wanted to officially be members immediately, so we had a small ceremony the evening after the war ended. Several City of Outcast members showed up, including Koza, Kuzira, and Hikura. My siblings and my friends were there. Piandao officially inaugurated us. It had been incredible to stand up on the stage with my best friend and vow to protect the people of the four nations from anymore war and destruction. Afterwards there had been a party. Halfway through Raiko and I had escaped the madness and left. We walked around the city for a bit, then returned to help clean up. It was a good day.

I stepped away from Raiko once I had finished tying his robes. We were in the Imperial Palace guest wing, where Team Avatar had been staying for the past day.

"You ready?" I asked Raiko.


The two of us made our way towards the pavilion where Zuko would be crowned. Even from I far distance o could hear the commotion of people come to see the coronation.

A huge crowd had gathered outside the watch the coronation. It was a huge deal. Members from all nations were here. This was really what was going to symbolize the unity between the nations. A new Fire Lord for a new era.

Raiko and I stood with the other White Lotus members. I found myself next to Piandao, who put his hand on my shoulder and smiled proudly. I scanned the crowd for Sokka and Katara, but found more than what I bargained for.

"Dad!" I yelled in delight. I ran towards my father, who I hadn't seen since the invasion. He turned and caught sight of me, and his face lit up. We embraced in a tight hug, and I felt relief flooding my mind.

"I was so worried about you," I said.

"You're telling me," he laughed. "After my daughter was taken prisoner by the Fire Nation."

"Wouldn't be the first time," I shrugged.

He chuckled at my reply, then smiled at me and my siblings. "I heard what all three of you did. I am the proudest father in the world."

I blushed and looked down at my father's words.

"And your mother would be proud too."

"Badger!" I turned around at my name being called. Raiko beckoned me back over to the White Lotus.

I smiled at my family. "Gotta go. Duty calls."

I joined back with the White Lotus. I caught my father smiling at me from afar, and I grinned back. After this, I knew the four of us would finally get to be a family.

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