Sokka's Master

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Okay, I worked on this chapter for hours to get it out as soon as I could. I know a lot of you were pretty excited for this chapter, but most of all me! Thank you for everyone who has beared with me the entirety of this story, and please continue reading!
And so, without further ado, Sokka's Master.

"I don't know why I keep doing this to myself," I grumbled in good nature. I moved my pai sho piece across the board, and watched as Piandao moved his final piece and won the game. "I've never beat you before."

"Keeps your mind sharp," he said simply.

I leaned back against the ground. This summer was turning into a sweltering hot one. I was constantly sweating and trying to find ways to stay cool. The water hole was a popular choice, and I would practice waterbending as well while I was at it.

Piandao had gotten several people asking to train with him lately. Most of them were soldiers using the "I-risked-my-life-and-I-am-worthy" speech. It got old after the fifth one, and Piandao turned them all down anyway. Well, all except one.

I was sitting up in my room, practicing by myself. Piandao was downstairs doing calligraphy.

I suddenly heard sharp, impatient knocks on the gate outside. I put my sword down and looked out the window. Ryu had opened the door for someone. Probably another wannabe Piandao would turn down. I decided to go downstairs and watch the show.

I joined Piandao and sat on the huge window overlooking the mountains. He didn't even look up, but continued his calligraphy. "Badger."

"Piandao," I greeted him. "Looks like you have another friend coming to visit."

"Yes. I heard his knocking from here."

I laughed and looked up as Ryu came in, followed by the person at the gate. His appearance startled me. Unlike most who came, he was fairly young, only about fifteen. He was pretty scrawny compared to the others, and looked terrified to meet Piandao's eyes. That didn't actually matter, because Piandao's back was turned to him. He wore a simple outfit, nothing flashy like the people who came usually did. When he spoke, he sounded shaky and unsure.

"Master, my name is Sokka, and I wish to be instructed in the way of the sword."

Piandao raised an eyebrow. "Sokka...that's an unusual name."

Sokka turned red. "Uh, really? Because where I come from, in the Fire Nation colonies, its a pretty normal name! For Fire Nation colonials!" He looked as though he wanted to crawl into a hole.

Piandao didn't turn around. I didn't actually hear his answer, because at that moment, something struck me. It was Sokka's eyes. They were a bright and vibrant blue, not like any other Fire Nation folk I'd met before.

But exactly like mine.

I studied the boy some more and realized why he looked familiar. Even if he was older, he looked exactly like the boy I had seen in my visions. First when I was being overtaken by the spirit, and second during the heist that ha given me a limp.

This boy was my brother.

I didn't know what to do. If I was wrong, then I'd blow my cover and possibly be arrested. Piandao would be to, for protecting me. But if I was right, well, I had a family!

I turned back to Piandao, who seemed to be contemplating something. I vaguely heard Sokka say something about not being worthy, and groaned inwardly. Would Piandao train him if he was talking about himself like that?

"...But the truth is, I don't know if I am worthy," he said quietly.

Piandao gave me a small smile. "Well, let's find out together." He stood up, and turned to face Sokka. "I will train you."

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