Chap 3

709 26 5

ITs going to be in third point of VIEW .

Recap .

You can fuck yourself, Thor. 

The car stopped in front of a mansion. This house was three times larger than my house. We went in. There was a photo of my late aunt, Lisa Lafayette. She died when I was seven due to cancer. They had a son, Kris Lafayette. He was so cute in childhood. He was two years younger than me.

And a rough voice from the staircase startled me.

"Hello kitten, what are you doing in the lion's den?"

What a dreadful way to greet your cousin. Loki thought 

His cousin walked down the stairs with a predatory gaze. My uncle filled me in about his current behavior. He had this bad boy attitude. But to him, it seems more like an act. like a shield.

Kris recognised me the minute he entered, but made no move to acknowledge it. 

So Loki, this is Kris, my'sigh' son. Take him upstairs, to your aunt's old room. And look after his needs. 

Kris smiled  at him.

"So, how long is Lokity going to stay here?" he said, causing Loki to grimace slightly.

"Maximum of two years So don't be concerned, Kris. I'll be out of here in no time." Loki stated.

Kris then snatched the suitcase from the butler's grasp. and began waking up towards the stairs without saying anything.

Loki was stunned by his family portraits when he entered the room. Kris discreetly organised his belongings. Loki interrupted him before he could go.

" I know you remember me . I know you are angry . Im sorry if I did something awful to you . Just dont let that hold you back . "

Kris took a step toward him  and engulfed him in a hug .

Kris was the same kid he remembers.  Always being tough on the outside and being all mushy and cinnamon roll on the inside . He slowly patted his head . Trying his best to sooth him.

After sometime ,Kris reluctantly lets Loki go .

"  Im glad you are back " he said . " If you need anything  . I will be in the next room.  And Lokkity Im glad you are her . Take rest . " 

With that he swooped Loki and carried him to bed and laying him there with arranging a
Some pillows next to him and tucking him in the sheets . Made Loki to tear a little . Kirs drawed the curtain around the bed . With one last glance he walked out .

" Good night Krisee . " he said in between his yawn .

Kris stopped in his tracks

" Good night lo  ". He muttered under his breath. 

Loki's bed ^^

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Loki's bed ^^

In the middle of the night Kris was waken by a scream.  He followed the sound and he reached Late aunt Fàrbautis room ,which Loki was currently staying in . He went to the bed to get a closer look at Loki . He realized Loki's breath were unstable.  He waw having  a nightmare .

Kris patted his cheek trying to wake him .

  " lo, lo get up . "

After a while of struggle Loki woke up from his bad dream .

His eyes were red brimming with tears . Cheeks puffed out .
Kris pulled him toward his naked muscular chest . Usually he used to sleep naked but since it was winter season he decided to were tracks for sleeping.

Loki looked so vulnerable in his hands he looked so fragil .
He felt a twig of protectiveness arose in him . He wanted to protect Loki from his deamons .

Loki calmed a bit in his hands . His heartbeat and beath beagan to steady. 

Loki dreamt of Thor leaving him this time and accutually being happy without him . And he couldnt help but scream and cry as he took his baby along with him .

" Do you wish to share your dream " ,Kris asked politly.

Loki knew he wanted to speak about his dream.  So he did .

Kris listened to his words without intrupting but he also wanted to know about the so called the brute named 'Thor '

Loki felt better after narrating his dream.

" So I just want to confirm something.  You are pregnant and the babies other father name is Thor . Who left you . Right? " , Kris asked

Loki nodded

"So what was Thor to you? " , Kris asked

"He was my husband.  Once he was my savior from my nightmare sometimes deamons and sometimes from me ", Loki said with a sad smile.

"He was ?"  Kris asked perplexed because to determine whether he was alive or not .

Loki told him what recently happened between them .

Kris couldn't understand why he had to cheat when he had someone so beautiful in his life . he felt rage burn within him . And he had the urge to kill him .

Loki say Kris expression. He gave him a smile . though it looked kinda forced and sad Kris still smiled back  .

" I want to kill him so bad " , he mutterd his thoughts to Loki .

"No you would do no such thing ", loki said.

"He cheated on you and you still stick up for him  ", he cursed .

"Love makes you do crazy things . And you will understand when the time comes ." Loki said play fully .

"I cant understand Loki", Kris sighed .

"How can I hate Thor .No , I cant and I would never hate him . I am deeply broken by him . But that wouldnt make me stop loving him ." he said .

"So if he comes back to you will open your arms welcoming him ,right? " asked Kris in furry .

"Just because I love him doesnt mean I forgive him for cheating me. No He was my world and I did everything he said . He just showed me that my love means nothing to him . I mean nothing to him . So now im going to concentrate on me and my baby . Im going to heal my heart . Im going to be independent . Im going to enjoy myself now . And Im sure he's not going to come after me " he said to Kris .

" What if he comes? What if comes to know of the baby ? " , kris asked the possibility he

"Then I would let him into my kids life . Im not cruel to keep father-and -baby apart"  Loki said .

Kris pulled him even more closer to him and cuddled him in the bed . Loki didnt mind him . He knew he need cuddles  a lot of rest .

"And I will give you all my stregth Lo" he muttered kissing his forehead
  Being called by the pet name after so long he felt flood in him . He closed his eyes . He was not intrupted by nightmares later.

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