Realizing The Wounds

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Thor dreamt of Loki . Loki was waiting in their home again asusual . But the moment Thor stepped into the house he started to fade into dust . Thor was trying hard to hold him .

" Please dont do this to me Loki . Im sorry please dont . Please. Im begging you. Please don't leave me. please ."

But before Loki could fade away completely he was waken . He blinked his eyes . The voice and the person seemed like Loki to him . Afterwards he relises that it was Val standing before him .

" well good morning shit head. More like good afternoon" Val said .

It took him a moment to realize that he had slept the whole day . Before responding to her . He rushed out of the bedroom and checked every room in the house . He expected that Loki would have come back .

The moment he realized that Loki was no longer in the house . He felt his heart tug again. He cluntched his chest and fell on his knees .

He was exhausted. He screamed on top his lungs .

Val stood silently watching. Val left him to cool down . When he regained his composure. Val sat next to him .

" Where is Loki ? I didn't find him in when I came in ."

"I .... I , 'sniffs ' I cheated on him "


" I filed a divorce on him . He signed the papers. And left "

The silence was unbearable.

"Say something ", shouted Thor .

"What do you want me to say ? You knew what you were doing. So tell me what do you want to hear . I will tell you that ", Val said .

He knew . But he couldn't answer Val .

" Thor you wanted him out of your life .And now you act as if he left you to be with someone. How is this right ? You cheated on him. You divorced him . And since he has nothing to stay for he left . I kinda admire his strength. He must have loved you so hard to let you go " , Val sighed

Thor sniffed at Vals words.

" But ..... To tell the truth I feel so broken , You know how I felt when I didn't find him , I WAS SO F*****NG BROKEN. MY HEART IS ACHING JUST BEING AWAY FROM HIM FOR A DAY . I CAN'T CONTINUE LIKE THIS VAL . " he broke down again

I just can't . The words were so lost. That even Val couldn't hear it .

" Tell me Val how could I win over him " , Thor asked in a pleading voice

"Thor he's not a doll, for you to throw him away when you don't want and play with it when you want ", Val said.

" He will return to me right. It's not like he has some where he can stay. No one will love him like i did? ", Thor asked

" Thor have you ever seen your husband ? ", Val asked.

"What kind of questions is this ? I was in relationships with him for 7 years. Lived with him for 5 years. ", he yelled frustrated with Vals questions.

" You see Thor, he's pretty , gorgeous even can be sexy if he wants. He can cook, clean and what not . He's a whole damn package with a cherry on the top. And on top of these he got the highest-ranking in college so getting a job would be easy and also has some experience. To put it even the straight men out there would fall for him. ", VAL said.

"But where will he stay until he gets a job? " , Thor asked.

"Didn't I tell you even the staight guys might fall for him . And boys now of these days are pretty dumb. They might just look at him and might pop a boner and think that he's their soulmate . And let him stay with him " VAL said.

"Val you are not helping, you are adding pepper to the wound. This is not fair ",Thor said

"Is this fair to him Thor? Do you think he's happy about the fact that he's been cheated not once but twice . Once in final year ,he found you in the bed fucking Maria . Because of you he attempted suicide. And on his death bed you promised him that you will be faithful to him . And when he survived. YOU THOR FUCKING ODINSON PROPOSED HIM. TELL ME WAS THE WORLD FAIR TO HIMMMM..? No , right so don't whine that he left you . Cause you wanted him to leave you ", Val said in rage .

" Val , please help me out . I need him back " , Thor cried on Val's sleeve.

"Give a complaint in the station. Then we can think about what to do . Hey , call your friends and find out if he's with them. " , Val suggested.

Thor thoughts traveled for a second. What if he went to Harry's house to stay .

Thor took a second to calm his breath. Calling Harry might be bad idea considering the fault is in his side . Harry was the only friend Loki had . Harry always thought the relationship between Loki and Thor to be toxic  . Thor fished his phone out from his nightstand.  He went through his  contact and found his phone number  . He dialed his number.

Hey , you have reached Harry Milton ,please  leave a message.

Thor felt a mixed emotion hit him . He looked at Val again before trying the number again.  It went straight to voice message .

He got up on his feet and grabbed his coat before running out to the police station to file a missing report. 

He frantically called on the officers . Since the  constable were out on the erand  . The assistant sub inspector decided to help him out . Thor waited for the lady to take her pad and pen  . He read her name tag .
Darcy  Lewis.

" Your name sir " Darcy asked .

"Thor . Thor Odinson.  " he replied

She started to fill the forms out .

" And you are here to ? " ,

" file a missing report on my husband . His name is
Loki , Loki Odinson" .

"Can you narrate the incidents that accoured before hid disappear.  Did anything strange happen ? Did he leave any note  " ,

”yes he did " ,

" and what does that say " .

Thor became silent . He thought before answering.

” He came to know I had a affair.  I had filed him divorse papers.  He sighed them and left the house. "

  Darcy studied him before keeping her pad and pen down.
" He made sure that he his not returning that is not being missing sir ." She sighed.

" But he doesn't have anywhere to go " Thor frantically said .

" Are you sure Mr. Odinson?  Okay give me a photo of him we will see what we can do  ".

Thor heard Darcy mumble.

" Do you have something to say madam ? " ,he asked .

" Lucky guy.  He could leave without having something to hold him.  " Darcy said straight to his face.

" My girlfriend has cheated on me countless times.  But i didn't have the guts to let her go . Because im afraid.  Afraid because she keeps on treating me like her lifeline.  If I go .... im afraid that she might hurt herself " . She said .

" It takes some one strength to let go , It looks like you regret cheating on him why dont you check with his parents.  " DARCY SUGGESTED " But dont hope he would run to your arms when you find him "

Thor nodded before leaving the station.  Loki has waited for him countless time . Now its his time to wait .

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