Fun in amusement park

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Kris was holing a bouqet in his arm looking stressed he knows who's this from and no way in hell he's going let the fu*kers dream come true , so he acts like doesn't know from who the flowers are from .

Loki being Kindhearted , did not have the heart to throw the flowers away instead decided to put them in the empty vase , beside it gave a wonderful fragrances .

Right now they are seated in the jeep , Kris trying to look like he's shocked and Loki trying to admire those flowers ,. But Kris truly wanted to throw the flowera in ground and stamp them .

" So howmany weeks are you receiving flowers ?" he asked with his tone as kind as possible

" Well , Not for a week , but for three days i'm receiving the flowers " he said

" And you are absolutely sure there was no cards along with the flowers " Kris asked with a gently Tone, in truth he was losing his shit with his cousin being naïve . even the fu*king Neighbour cat would know who sent the flowers . Sometimes His Lo could be a detective , But sometimes though God he could be dumb As fu*k

Kris handed him the bouqet and gotten into the driver side of the card after ensuring that Loki had his seat belts protecting him , Kris then went ahead and started the car , they are on their way to see his psychiatrist .

they stopped infront of the clinic , Loki opened his side of his jeep and walked in to the clinic with Kris following his tail . today the receptionist was nowhere in sight . Kris walked in to the consultant room , but the Doctor was nowhere at sight . He tried calling the doctor but his calls ended in the voicemail . So with leaving a message they decided to leave the clinic

" So , do you wish to go somewhere ? " he asked Loki

" Where ? " Lo asked

" Anywhere you want to go " Kris said " I mean anywhere "

he thought for moment , before responding " A park maybe "


Loki was seated in one of those swings , admiring the children's who were playing around him . He had a feeling that his babies are going to be naughty ones to . And then his thoughts drifted to Thor , he had a feeling that Thor might , but he convinced himself that Thor might be doing good . he was deep into his thoughts that he didn't notice his cousin behind him , Kris pushed him making the swing and successfully scared the Hell out of Loki

" Man one of these days i'm going to have heart attack because of you " he said clutching his chest

" You seemed to be deep in thoughts thought I could help " Kris said while laughing , Scared Loki was just too adorable to him

Kris Laugh was contagious Loki couldn't help but laugh along with him , then they both calmed down Kris held Loki's face within his arms kissing his forehead .

" you know , when we were younger when you were 7 and I was like 5 , we used to play in the Park , not many kids will play with me . So , you will leave you brothers and will play with me . And After that I clingy and followed you everywhere you go , and you know your brothers were kinda jealous of me because you spent all your time with me that one day they kinda locked me in the attic , I was very calm knowing that you will rescue me but you on the other hand .Yeah I was locked in the morning and it was night when you rescued me .God , When you opened the door and came in , your were crying so hard that the next morning you had fever , " he said

" I miss that you forgot all our memories " he said to Loki

" And you were not scared a bit? " Loki asked him " Not even a little bit? "

" Why should I be , when I knew you were going to save miss " he asked " I know you Lo , Like I know the back of my hand , and I hate when you think of that bastard , I hate that you think of someone like him "

Loki just gave him a sad smile as Kris pulled him for a hug , Even though he never ever met this guy , Kris hated him .

" So What's next ? "

" I"m going to contact my blood brothers "Loki said as he " While you will be searching your doctor , hey I meaning to ask do you have a doctor kink "

" Only if you are a masochist " he asked and when Loki blushed for the statement

" Shit , my angel is being corrupted " Kris said in serious tone . Loki giggled to that


" I hope I'm not disturbing you " he said . they were standing before the amusement park

" Nah its been a while " Kim said . " I'm really happy that you called us , Im not sane enough to deal with your brother "

" Nah you love me " Jordan stated the obvious kissing Jason head

" Unfortunately " Jason whispered " So lets go in " he said tugging

Mithura held Loki's hand so that his little brother would not get lost , Loki and him were bit alike , they were very silent and they were happy to see the couples being lively . Jordan had won many toys Jason , Though Jason acted like it annoyed him he secretly liked the toys which was given to him , Loki won a teddy bear from throwing darts and a soft dolphin plushie from a shot gun game ,

he hadn't yet told his family about him being pregnant , And was quiet a bit nervous at that .

" Im hungry lets go get something to eat "

" Define something " Kim asked

" Chicken burger " Mithura supplied

" you kids only if you finish the salad " Kim said cheekly

Mithura and Jordan decided sit and wait when Kim and Loki went to place and receive their order ,

" I'm really glad that you called , I had a wonderful day " Kim said as they walked towards the counter

" How can I Help you sir " the person in the counter asked

" 2 chicken burger , 3 salads and and a sandwich , That will do "

" Any drinks ?"

" Water will be fine "

" Okay , your order will arrive in a short time , please have a seat "

they turned around and walked over to their table where the other two was seated . :Loki kept squirming in his seat , he felt so nervous ,

" Okay this might sound absurd , but IM pregnant "

the table went silent , all of their eyes were locked at him , then suddenly Jordan exclaimed

" I told you he must be pregnant , come on give me 50 " Mithura and Jason handed him the money

" Well , I see you bet on your own brother " Loki said

" It was just , Kris was overly over protective and you kept you hand on your stomach constantly , I said you must be pregnant but the others bet it must be a stomach ache , Well I won "

" Anyhow you will be paying for the bill " Jason said

" But dove !! "

After they ate , Jordan went to pay for the bill 72$ , had to put his own money , after paying the bills and enjoying the rides , the day came to an end , they had to drop Loki off the mansion were he was staying ,

" Hey , Loki isn't tomorrow your birthday " Jordan asked

:" Yeah it is " Loki whispered to him

Next chapter preview

the trail of flowers making a path , their stood Thor with cake in hand , Loki did not know whether to punch or hug him ..

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